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Thread: I want to use my maiden name again

  1. #1
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    I want to use my maiden name again

    I just got my decree absolute and would like to apply for British Citizenship before they changed again the requirements later this year.

    Can I use my maiden name again. On my Filipino Passport I was using my marriage name, would that be a conflict in my application for Citizenship? In the process, I supposed I would lose my Filipino Citizenship anyway.

    I don't really want to carry on using my ex's family name when I know that he has got plans to marry and bring over his other Filipina woman, hence he left me for her

    The only sad thing is we got a lovely 3 years old daughter. She would still be using her dad's and would now be different to mine.

    Reading the UK official site for citizenship, they would check your finances, would that be a big factor if I'm in receipt of Job Seeker's Allowance. I was the bread winner of the family when we were together, but had to stopped when his affairs started in December 2011 . I cant go back to work even If i wanted to as we have got our daughter for four days rolling between us which is ridiculous and making it hard for me to find work with my limited schedules. His words "I would not run my life around you". Hopefully, this would be sorted and put into place next month (final hearing for my child custody).

    I have been through a lot, just trying to stand again and with no proper support and family here its really difficult. I guess, emotion wise, I'm almost over it.

    I'm much more happier now. I can cook and eat as much Filipino food as I want and have all the freedom in the world!

  2. #2
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    I don't know about the name thing for UK citizenship but best of luck - sounds like you've been through a fairly dreadful couple of years.

  3. #3
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    My ex has kept my surname and just added her new husband's on the end.

    She got her British Citizenship in my surname though.

    Sorry, can't really advise on your other questions, but good luck in the future with your little one.

  4. #4
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=grahamw48;440943]My ex has kept my surname and just added her new husband's on the end.

    That's a bit strange. Thanks for the reply though.

  5. #5
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    Walang probleme.

    Terpe will be along soon, and he knows what he's talking about.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Walang probleme.

    Terpe will be along soon, and he knows what he's talking about.
    That's a bit of a sweeping statement Graham

    Personally, I've got my doubts

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    I just got my decree absolute and would like to apply for British Citizenship before they changed again the requirements later this year.

    Can I use my maiden name again. On my Filipino Passport I was using my marriage name, would that be a conflict in my application for Citizenship? In the process, I supposed I would lose my Filipino Citizenship anyway.
    Hello t5s,

    Glad to hear your onwards and upwards.

    In principle, here in the UK, you can pretty much call yourself whatever you want as long as it's not for fraudulent reasons.

    Anyone, like yourself, wanting to revert back to their maiden name after divorce should normally find it as simple as just deciding when to do it, then informing all those organisations that need to know what you name change is.

    Some organisations (Banks,DVLA,Credit Cards,Passport,HMRC,DWP etc) will most likely want to see some legal documentation.
    In which case the key links and 'audit trail' between married name and maiden name are your Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate and Divorce Absolute.
    With these documents you do not normally need to go through any other legal process to change your name.

    You should take steps to have you new signature recorded on those important legal documents that need it.

    Might help if you make a list of who needs to know. (think also about tenancy, utility bills, council tax, mobile phone etc)

    I'm making the assumption, t5s, that your maiden name is the same as that shown on your birth certificate?

    Yes you'll lose your Philippine citizenship when you take British Citizenship. But don't be concerned about that as it's a very simple quick and cheap process to re-acquire your Philippine Citizenship. You'll then become a member of the exclusive Dual Nationality 'club'.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    ....Reading the UK official site for citizenship, they would check your finances, would that be a big factor if I'm in receipt of Job Seeker's Allowance.
    In terms of your British Citizenship, please make a careful review of the application form and Guidance.
    Specifically look to 'Section 1: Personal Information' and to Q1.5, Q1.6 & Q1.7

    It's normally straightforward to have your Maiden name used on the form and also on the Naturalisation Certificate when reverting to maiden name (per birth certificate) following divorce. Just follow the guidance and submit the documentation.
    This can be fully explained and requested on P13 of the AN form called 'FURTHER INFORMATION NOT COVERED IN OTHER SECTIONS'

    Income/Savings etc does not form any part of the Application for Naturalisation so don't get concerned about that aspect.

    Do bear in mind that Naturalisation will require you to have 5 years residence in UK as you are no longer a spouse of UK citizen.

    Hope this helps you and reduces and concerns you had

  9. #9
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    @TERPE, that's really informative. Cheers for that!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by trends5squared View Post
    @TERPE, that's really informative. Cheers for that!
    Your very welcome.

    As always, please do review the application form and guidance and be sure you can fully comply with all requirements.

    You may consider securing a British Passport before re-acquiring Philippine citizenship since the Philippine Embassy will cancel your Philippine passport at the Oath-Taking and you'll have no other valid travel document.
    You should therefore consider renewing that passport at the same time.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Your very welcome.

    As always, please do review the application form and guidance and be sure you can fully comply with all requirements.

    You may consider securing a British Passport before re-acquiring Philippine citizenship since the Philippine Embassy will cancel your Philippine passport at the Oath-Taking and you'll have no other valid travel document.
    You should therefore consider renewing that passport at the same time.
    When the wife got her new British passport, a few days earlier she got back her Philippine passport back. Untouched uncut. Perfectly usable. So if she looses her Philippine citizenship why on earth have they give it back?

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    When the wife got her new British passport, a few days earlier she got back her Philippine passport back. Untouched uncut. Perfectly usable. So if she looses her Philippine citizenship why on earth have they give it back?
    british law allows you dual citizenship, so there is no problem with UKBA, its the phils gov thats a bit of a problem with having to take the Oath again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    When the wife got her new British passport, a few days earlier she got back her Philippine passport back. Untouched uncut. Perfectly usable. So if she looses her Philippine citizenship why on earth have they give it back?
    Sorry Mark, I don't understand your point or question

    After the Naturalisation Ceremony did she then renew her passport? Sounds not. Means the Philippine Embassy are not aware she has British Citizenship.

    Once someone takes the oath for British Citizenship then technically, and according to Philippine laws, that person automatically loses Philippine Citizenship until such time as they re-acquire it by taking the Philippine Oath.

    Of course if that person never reveals the truth to Philippine authorities then nothing will happen until it is either revealed voluntarily or until it is somehow discovered.
    Plenty of folks do that but there are some highly undesirable consequences.

    Did your wife take an oath of allegience at the Philippine Embassy and receive a certificate of citizenship?

  14. #14
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    She has no paperwork saying she's lost her Philippine Citizenship. paperwork saying she must inform the authorities. far as she's concerned she's already dual obvious signs of 'automatically' losing Philippine Citizenship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    She has no paperwork saying she's lost her Philippine Citizenship. paperwork saying she must inform the authorities. far as she's concerned she's already dual obvious signs of 'automatically' losing Philippine Citizenship.
    Philippine law Mark.
    She took an oath of allegience to UK. Period.

    Believe it or not it's true. She is no longer Philippine Citizen.

    As I said, many others just like that. No-one knows until they know.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    She has no paperwork saying she's lost her Philippine Citizenship. paperwork saying she must inform the authorities. far as she's concerned she's already dual obvious signs of 'automatically' losing Philippine Citizenship.
    the British gov is not going to tell the phils embassy she is now a British citizen. its not their concern.

    i dont think its a big problem, even if the phils gov\embassy know , at worse she just needs to take an oath again.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    She is no longer Philippine Citizen.
    there must be many filipinos who are now british citizens that have not retaken the oath,

    i cant see the phils gov stripping them of citizenship no matter what they say..

    i can only recall , a post i made about a filipino who was now an american citizen that he didnt retake his oath to the phils that it was judged he couldnt stand for being a major of some town\city in the phils..

  18. #18
    Member trends5squared's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Your very welcome.

    As always, please do review the application form and guidance and be sure you can fully comply with all requirements.

    You may consider securing a British Passport before re-acquiring Philippine citizenship since the Philippine Embassy will cancel your Philippine passport at the Oath-Taking and you'll have no other valid travel document.
    You should therefore consider renewing that passport at the same time.

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