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Thread: Health Tourism - One Direction !

  1. #1
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    Health Tourism - One Direction !

    • The Philippines is growing as a tourist destination for procedures such as surgery ( cosmetic, heart, weight loss, eye and orthopaedic ), dermatology and dentistry. It has set an income target of $ 2 billion by 2015 from this sector. ( ).

    • Many British “ tourists “ now travel abroad, including the Philippines, for such purposes.
    • Do your research into the clinic / hospital, including language used / communication / costs.
    • Have a full consultation with the doctor or dentist.
    • Consider aftercare such as corrective treatment.
    • Consider travel risks such as air travel after surgery.
    • Many insurers won't cover planned treatment abroad.

    • Everyone in the UK – regardless of immigration or residency status – is entitled to free care in Accident and Emergency, treatment for sexually-transmitted infections, and conditions such as TB and malaria. NHS staff will treat anyone whose condition is deemed life-threatening or urgent, including women giving birth. “ Walk In Clinics “ are also free to all.

    • Foreign visitors, whether lawfully in the UK or not, are eligible to register with a GP practice, even if they fail to provide identification or proof of address. Once registered, many hospitals don’t check patients’ credentials when referred for treatment which is free at the point of access. Payment may never be recovered even from those that are recognised as foreign nationals.

    • The European Health Insurance Card ( EHIC ) - valid in all European Economic Area countries, including Switzerland , allows you to get state healthcare at a reduced cost or sometimes for free. It should cover you for treatment that is needed to allow you to continue your stay until your planned return. It also covers you for treatment of pre-existing medical conditions and for routine maternity care. The problem with this system is that our NHS pays out relatively more to such countries than we receive from them – even for genuine card–holders; certain countries ( like Spain ) may not even give the required treatment without demanding “ up front “ payment.

    • Similarly, if you choose to live in another European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland on a permanent basis, you MAY be entitled to to healthcare paid by the UK, for example if you're receiving a UK state pension or long-term incapacity benefit.

    • The “ One Direction “ UK boy band know their net worth is around £ 20 million .

    • All WE know for sure is the “ one direction “ for cost of health tourism is OUT of the UK - either voluntarily if we chose treatment abroad ; or involuntarily, because foreign nationals who have treatment in the UK don’t pay their bills . No-one knows how much this costs. For England it’s estimated to be between £ 10 million and £ 200 million a year ( ; ). Health tourists are said to owe Scotland £ 1 million, probably an underestimate ( ).

    • One thing is certain – if any UK national decides on voluntary treatment abroad, whether the Philippines or elsewhere, they will know how much it will cost and payment will be up front .

    • Of course our NHS is imperfect – as shown by increasing pressures on Accident and Emergency units. More people ( including immigrants ) are using A and E, choosing to bypass GPs ( for various reasons ).

    • It’s outrageous that not only are foreign health tourists contributing to NHS shortcomings, but also the true extent and cost of this is still not known ! Similarly there are still no effective measures to monitor and control the situation. Proof of adequate insurance and refusal of visas to re-enter the UK for those owing the NHS haven’t worked so far. At least senior doctors and MPs now appear to be taking the problem seriously !

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Thanks Alan,

    It is appalling that there is no follow up on GP registrations be it from UK citizens or (worse) the thousands of illegals here in the UK that plunder the service.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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