Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
... probably not a thread for those of you who already had a pre-planned vocation mapped~out in one or other of the graduate professions.

Mine was [unexpectedly] as a lowly insurance clerk (1961-67) at the Perth Head Office of a worldwide organisation formerly known as 'General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corporation Ltd', referred to locally as the 'GA' or 'GAFLAC'. - later, merged with Commercial Union ... in turn, absorbed by Norwich Union and, ultimately, Aviva.

How about yours???
My first job was as an apprentice electrician earning £4 19s 11d a week which i did until deciding to study electrical engineering at a higher level.

But the interesting bit is I gave up that career to go into computers and this eventually led me to work for Commercial Union as a programmer/analyst. I lived through the mergers with GA, then Norwich Union until AVIVA also made me redundant in 20002. Coincidence!