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Thread: British Sports Cars - One for Graham

  1. #31
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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  2. #32
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    Nice...and I bought that single back in the 60s.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    How interesting you say that.
    This caught my eye for a couple of reasons. Firstly it was interesting for me to see a forum member with knowledge of the old HST trainsets.

    Secondly because it bought back happy memories when I was personally involved with a number of design and type-testing activities related to the both HST power cars and the original Mk3 coaching stock.

    Those original HST Power Cars (maybe you already know) were equipped with Paxman Valenta engines.

    I just wondered London_Manila, if like me, you might be Railway enthusiast?

    I was lucky enough to get a number of visits to Australia on the back on my involvement with HST (Class43) simply to work on their XPT. The original XPT power cars also used Paxman's.

    Apologies to the OP for my off topic.

    Maybe time for Trains thread
    Mk 3 coaching stock = the best and strongest coaches ever made

    paxman engines all noise and little power lol, in the heat they revert to idle (cooling issues)
    major earthing issues also..........cant say i was a fan of those engines

    mtu engines much more refined and make a great sound also, no turbo noise though
    mtu are only good for one engine rebuild then they are scraped all worked out on engine hours
    coolant is kept at a constant temperature and cant be started if its too low
    these engines are actually down rated for railway work if not they reckon they would blow the main alternator up.......

    The new Hitachi IEP trains will be arriving here early next year so expect to see them out and about on a full testing program, these are electric trains but have engines fitted also (bi mode)
    they will be in 5 car and 10 car formations and they dont have diesel engines on every coach
    2 out of 5 i did hear

    I still think the present HST sets will take some beating
    engines at either end makes it better for the passengers less noise and vibration
    these newer trains dont seem to ride the rails well also with passengers being tossed about and a screaming engine under your feet = i cant see any improvement over a HST

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