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Thread: British High Commision in Phils

  1. #1
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    British High Commision in Phils

    I think it is absolutely disgusting that after 7 weeks of applying for a spouse visa there has been no contact!

    After so many emails sent to the VFS and British Embassy not 1 has been answered!

    Guernsey Border Agency told me that as soon as they receive the email it will be dealt with inside a couple of days but they can do nothing the ECO in Manila actually sends the info to them.

    It's still probably sitting on some Bureaucrat's desk at the bottom of a big pile of applications

  2. #2
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I know how frustrating it is matey. Fingers crossed a positive result is around the corner

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    7 weeks?

  4. #4
    Respected Member SteveJ's Avatar
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    Robbie - don't know if you have used the applicant status tracking tool that is on the VFS website or not, it doesn't provide much information, but is worth checking from time to time. Also 7 weeks is 35 days (5 working days per week) so it's unlikely there would be much news yet as from past performance only 21% of settlement visa applications will have been processed in 40 days and 91% processed in 60 days.

    We are in a similar situation as you but expect to have some reponse in the next month or so..

    Hope this helps....

  5. #5
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    It makes me think that they must be understaffed.All they have to do is get an email off to Guernsey and it will be sorted.

    Its not them that approve the visa it's Guernsey

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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie bobby View Post
    It makes me think that they must be understaffed.All they have to do is get an email off to Guernsey and it will be sorted.

    Its not them that approve the visa it's Guernsey
    If you take a look at UKBA immigration directorate instructions - Section 4 - Annex S (ENTRY CLEARANCE FOR THE CHANNEL ISLANDS AND ISLE OF MAN)
    you'll see it's stated under para 1 (Issue Of Entry Clearance) that:-

    Entry clearances for the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey are issued on their behalf by the United Kingdom issuing posts abroad....
    It should be noted though that due to a number of administrative reasons, that Guernsey Immigration has the final say in the decision and not the UKBA.

    It's often been suggested here on this forum that such applications may actually require an extra 3-6 weeks to process rather than a shorter processing time.

    I'm not suggesting that what you've been told by Guernsey Immigration is incorrect, just stating the rules as published on UKBA website and information given on the forum.

    Might be worth considering to give Guernsey Border Agency a call to double check on current procedures and expected time scales etc.

    I can understand your frustrations of waiting so long.
    One of our members (Louis) actually had to endure a full 12 weeks stressful waiting before his wife received the good news of visa approval.
    Don't forget that during the past few weeks there has been quite an impact on normal working times in Philippines due to holidays and elections.

    Good luck for a positive outcome asap.

  7. #7
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    If you take a look at UKBA immigration directorate instructions - Section 4 - Annex S (ENTRY CLEARANCE FOR THE CHANNEL ISLANDS AND ISLE OF MAN)
    you'll see it's stated under para 1 (Issue Of Entry Clearance) that:-

    It should be noted though that due to a number of administrative reasons, that Guernsey Immigration has the final say in the decision and not the UKBA.

    It's often been suggested here on this forum that such applications may actually require an extra 3-6 weeks to process rather than a shorter processing time.

    I'm not suggesting that what you've been told by Guernsey Immigration is incorrect, just stating the rules as published on UKBA website and information given on the forum.

    Might be worth considering to give Guernsey Border Agency a call to double check on current procedures and expected time scales etc.

    I can understand your frustrations of waiting so long.
    One of our members (Louis) actually had to endure a full 12 weeks stressful waiting before his wife received the good news of visa approval.
    Don't forget that during the past few weeks there has been quite an impact on normal working times in Philippines due to holidays and elections.

    Good luck for a positive outcome asap.
    Cheers Terpe.

    I will give them another call on Monday.So probably I will have to endure a long wait.Ok time to start calling them every other day to annoy them so they might just get a move on

  8. #8
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Well I sent another email off to Manila 1 week ago and as of yet no response.My local ECO at Guernsey Border Agency was very understanding and told me Manila were usually quite good for turn around times with them so he also sent them an email 1 week ago to chase it up and even they have had no reply as of today which I think is disgusting!!

    ALL of the friends my wife made who applied up to 4 weeks after her have all had their visas approved and they are now getting ready to get here to the UK.

    Im EFFING fuming at this

  9. #9
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    BTW..The Lady at the VFS in Manila sent me an email telling me she did not know where the application was and at what stage it was at!

    Great stuff!!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie bobby View Post
    BTW..The Lady at the VFS in Manila sent me an email telling me she did not know where the application was and at what stage it was at!

    Great stuff!!!
    That's to be expected really robbie, VFS are just a 'messenger'. They collect the submission, check against their list and bundle it up for the Embassy Hub.
    VFS will have no information of application status or progress or even the Visa decision. Only the Embassy will send any communication on decision. VFS just know when they receive the bundle back.

    I do feel your frustration though. We've all been there and it can be so stressful and impact the daily life.

    May I make a suggestion? Why not try sending an e-mail to the Ambassador personally at the Embassy stating just how frustrating it is to wait for such a long period and ask for his personal intervention to expedite your application.

    That's not to say you'll get a reply or any action.. but it might help.
    I've known others who have done that and had some action. Could be coincidence I know, but anything is worth a try. I wouldn't be surprised if you application was just sitting on a desk somewhere.

    Chin-up, something must move soon.

  11. #11
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    That's to be expected really robbie, VFS are just a 'messenger'. They collect the submission, check against their list and bundle it up for the Embassy Hub.
    VFS will have no information of application status or progress or even the Visa decision. Only the Embassy will send any communication on decision. VFS just know when they receive the bundle back.

    I do feel your frustration though. We've all been there and it can be so stressful and impact the daily life.

    May I make a suggestion? Why not try sending an e-mail to the Ambassador personally at the Embassy stating just how frustrating it is to wait for such a long period and ask for his personal intervention to expedite your application.

    That's not to say you'll get a reply or any action.. but it might help.
    I've known others who have done that and had some action. Could be coincidence I know, but anything is worth a try. I wouldn't be surprised if you application was just sitting on a desk somewhere.

    Chin-up, something must move soon.
    Yes Terpe I did that last week.

    I also got the Chief Immigration Officer to write them an email asking what was taking so long but they didn't even reply to him so what more CAN be done?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie bobby View Post
    Yes Terpe I did that last week.

    I also got the Chief Immigration Officer to write them an email asking what was taking so long but they didn't even reply to him so what more CAN be done?
    I feel really sorry about your situation. Like many other here I know just how upsetting it can really be.

    How long have you been waiting now ?
    How does that compare with the 'standard' service processing time of UKBA ?
    Must be getting close to the maximum.

  13. #13
    Respected Member SteveJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I feel really sorry about your situation. Like many other here I know just how upsetting it can really be.

    How long have you been waiting now ?
    How does that compare with the 'standard' service processing time of UKBA ?
    Must be getting close to the maximum.
    Robbie - I believe you applied a few days after us so you will be somewhere around 40 to 45 days - statistically only 25% or so visas are processed at 40 days, however 90% are processed at 60 days - ours was 45 days. You only count working days. I am sure you will get a response in the next week or so.

    Hope this helps

  14. #14
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveJ View Post
    Robbie - I believe you applied a few days after us so you will be somewhere around 40 to 45 days - statistically only 25% or so visas are processed at 40 days, however 90% are processed at 60 days - ours was 45 days. You only count working days. I am sure you will get a response in the next week or so.

    Hope this helps
    Right!It seems like all the emails have moved someone over there.

    The immigration in Guernsey called me up today to tell me they have received the referral.

    However now Il be off to Phils on Sunday for 3 weeks and they said they might need to interview me regarding the application before they can make a decision.

    What luck I have!!

    They told me that there might not be need however as sometimes its just straight forward but they took my email address and told me they might be able to arrange an interview by email.How is this possible lol?

    What difference will it make interviewing someone by email and not interviewing them at all?

    I really don't see any sense.They said they could do a phone interview but they will not call me in Phils on a Phil phone so they said to leave it with them and they will email me what will happen next.Worst of the worst I will need to wait more weeks to come back then they will have to arrange interview before they come to a decision.I so hope they don't need to do it and just grant the dam application so maybe I could bring her back with me on my return.

    Watch this space.................

  15. #15
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    May I suggest that you phone THEM asap and arrange for a phone interview at an appointed time when you can phone THEM....wherever you happen to be (Skype even), at your expense ?

    That's what modern technology is for.

  16. #16
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    But do THEY have the modern technology to deal with it? Hmmmmm

  17. #17
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    If you don't ask...

    They only need a Smartphone.

  18. #18
    Respected Member robbie bobby's Avatar
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    Ok I have sent them an email asking about it and keeping all options open.I will await their response.

    Here is the letter I sent them.I know it might be a bit epical and over the top but Its all geared to make them feel like they could actually do this.SEE BELOW

    Dear **********.

    After our conversation today on the phone I would just like to drop you a line that hopefully you can forward on to the officer who will be dealing with my wife's application.

    As you know I am off to the Philippines for 3 weeks tomorrow ( Sat 15 June)

    I know you have my email address and I remember you saying there might be a need for interview if the officer saw fit.

    Maybe it will not be dealt with in the next 3 weeks as you said but if there is a chance it will be looked at and there will be a need for interview I will be available for a telephone interview at any time or on Skype if you have the technology for that.

    Of course all you would need to do is drop me an email with a date and time with a number and I shall be the one to call the officer for the interview.

    I cannot expect you to call a Philippine number I know that but as I said before I would make myself available if need be.

    I'm sure you understand the time we have been waiting patiently for it to come to this point in the visa process and I cannot wait to have my wife here next to me so please forgive me if I am seeming a bit inpatient,I just want it all done and dusted because every day that passes is like a month

    Thanks in advance for your understanding and I hope to hear from you in due course.

    I will be available on telephone number +63********** If the need arises to call me.

    My Skype name is ********.


  19. #19
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    Seems pretty good to me.

    As you say, at least it keeps all options open.

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