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Thread: marriage notice form scotland

  1. #1
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    marriage notice form scotland

    im not quite ready yet to apply for uk cni,but i am preparing in advance,
    i have a couple of questions about this form(MARRAIGE NOTICE SCOTLAND) if anyone can kindly help with,

    questions at F-about the celebrant,says (complete this part if you intend to have ceremony solemnised by someone other than a registra, 23,person who is to solemnise the marraige? 24,denomination or body to which she/he is attached.
    does this mean,only complete if cermony is by priest church ect and not a civil wedding?

    questions at H-documents to be submitted by you with this notice,27.for all persons, is your birth certificate enclosed?

    for all persons, does this mean just my birth certificate ? or both mine and lolitas?

  2. #2
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    Stewart, I think your best strategy is to discuss with your local registrar as to what information is essential for the CNI
    The regulations are slightly different in Scotland than England & Wales.

    When do you plan to get wed?

    Maybe your plans allow you to secure the local CNI from the British Embassy directly without the need for usual exchange.
    To do this you'd need to reside in the Philippines for 21 clear days before giving notice of your intended marriage.(it will be necessary to swear an Affidavit before a Consular Officer/Honorary Consul to the effect that you are not aware of any impediment to the marriage ). Your Notice of Marriage will then be displayed in a public place in the Embassy/Consulate for a further 21 clear days (excluding the day you swear the Affidavit). The local CNI will be issued the day after the 21 clear day period has elapsed.
    So the whole process takes 42 DAYS.
    The local CNI must be used within 3 months of date of issue.

    Another thing is that once the marriage licence is obtained it remains valid for 120 days.

    Food for thought.

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Thanks peter, in some respects that seems much simpler,
    when i get married depends on when my house sells,so i cant fix a date yet,plan to get marriage booked appointments etc to put on uk cni then when i get cni fly out.
    our plan was to meet in manila and stay there untill everything was completed and married to save travelling back and forth from malaybalay to manila, so getting a cni exchange means less time spent in manila,

    also when i apply here in uk for cni, i want to apply for basic disclosure and get it legalised etc, to take to manila ready to apply for 13a as soon as we are married and still in manila,with the 13a i realise this may mean a couple of further visits to manila before its issued, but at least that will less trips to manila,
    the way you suggest means more time ticking away on my basic disclosure issued here in uk, and may run out of validity,
    what you suggest would for me be a lot less stressful as unlike most i wont be returning to uk,
    if applying for basic disclosure from philippines meant i wouldnt have to send it back to uk for notary /legalisation etc, then that would be better, and i certainly dont want to find out i have to travel back to uk to do this

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    churning over in my mind, cni can be done in cebu i believe , now im wondering if the 13a can be done there also,
    cebu being much closer to malaybalay would be more convenient, for any backward and forward visits,
    this way if doing it all at cebu it would perhaps be a better idea to follow your advise on cni bypassing the need to get it here in uk,

    after all with the sale of the house and other preperations i will have enough onto stress me out without having the cni to get too, the i need to do here the better

  5. #5
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    It does appear that the Marriage Notice Scotland does need to be complied with.
    Why not give a quick phone call to the local registrar ?

    Seems a bit unecessary to make a full submission just for a CNI.

    BTW Stewart, the Hon Consul in Cebu recently retired. I'm not sure if there's any replacement yet. Or in fact if there will ever be one. Something else to check on .... sorry

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    It does appear that the Marriage Notice Scotland does need to be complied with.
    Why not give a quick phone call to the local registrar ?

    Seems a bit unecessary to make a full submission just for a CNI.

    BTW Stewart, the Hon Consul in Cebu recently retired. I'm not sure if there's any replacement yet. Or in fact if there will ever be one. Something else to check on .... sorry
    ok thanks

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    It does appear that the Marriage Notice Scotland does need to be complied with.
    Why not give a quick phone call to the local registrar ?

    Seems a bit unecessary to make a full submission just for a CNI.

    BTW Stewart, the Hon Consul in Cebu recently retired. I'm not sure if there's any replacement yet. Or in fact if there will ever be one. Something else to check on .... sorry
    marriage notice scotland, what your saying, does this mean i must get cni in uk,or are you just reffering to the scotish application form to get cni here

    that i cant just apply without scotish cni when im in philippines,rather than get an exchange
    once im in phil, i will have no scotish address, and my birth place was in england,
    im not understanding the difference

  8. #8
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    My fault Stewart for covering 2 different subjects on the same topics .......... sorry for that.

    You have 2 options in your case:-

    Option 1. Secure a Scottish CNI before going to Philippines and exchange it for the local (Philippine) version at the Embassy in Manila so that you can legally obtain a marriage licence in Philippines.
    The Scottish CNI is valid for 3 months from date of issue.
    The Philippine CNI is valid for 3 months from date of issue to secure a marriage licence.
    The marriage licence is valid anywhere within the Philippines for a period of 120 days from date of issue.

    Option 2. once you have been resident in the Philippines for at least the minimum 21 clear days you may give notice of your intended marriage at the Embassy/Consulate.(You will need to swear an Affidavit before a Consular Officer). This Notice of Marriage will be displayed in a public place in the Embassy/Consulate for a further 21 clear days. The local Philippine CNI will then be issued after that 21 days.
    The Philippine CNI will be valid for 3 months from date of issue to secure a marriage licence.
    The marriage licence is valid anywhere within the Philippines for a period of 120 days from date of issue.
    You can see that option 2 takes 42 days of living in Philippines

    It's really down to your own personal choice.
    Hope that clarifies.

  9. #9
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    thanks for that peter, when i first read i thought i had understood, until it churned over in my mind that my interpretation wasn't quite right,

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