... I'm not
THAT deaf, though ... yet!

! Trouble
IS ... trying to convince Myrna - who worries constantly (and sometimes needlessly

) about my safety.
Joking aside ... and without going
THIS will be my 15,000th post since joining the forum in the Autumn of 2008. (Btw ... I notice you're not far behind!)
Now ... during my 40s - when I was in peak physical condition - I managed to "clock-up"
MORE mileage

than I currently average in posts during a single year. So that'll give readers of this thread some idea of how
seriously I took cycling, at a time when I was working a normal 35-hr week. Indeed,
MOST evenings (weather permitting) I thought nothing of covering 50~odd miles locally - especially if I was "in training" for some long trip I
had planned in advance ... such as Perth to Carlisle via the then
A74 during late September 1988) spread over two days.