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Thread: production count is too high at work

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Thumbs down production count is too high at work

    We scan documents at work on an ibml scanning machine. One year a go the minimum hourly count was 4000, then it went up to 4500, and now its 5250. I think this is very unfair, because most of the documents are old and in poor condition from the hospitals. The documents come to us in 2cuft boxes and are prepared for scanning by teams of people on site then are stacked on shelves. Us scanning people are fighting for the best quality boxes. The poor quality documents always stop the machine so its next to imposible to get the hourly count and we have all on ocasions been in the office for a telling off.
    But this new count of 5250 is too much and ive had enough and need to find out the laws on this subject. Anyone know anything on the laws

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Precisely the reason there are trade unions! if your not in it then join and take your grievance to your trade union representative.

  3. #3
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    Lordna is right.
    As an individual you'll always be vunerable to these things.
    On what basis was the new 'standard' developed? Has the basis of it been explained?
    What does the scanning machine manufacturer state about M/C capabilities?

    Sorry can't help out regarding legal position. I doubt there is such a thing in connection with productivity.

    I spent quite some time consulting within a government agency call-centre where the management had set a 'standard' hourly call rate.
    Very difficult to meet when you get lots of calls from pensioners who have time on their hands and demand to know the ins and outs of everything. The union involved was PCS and couldn't help much.

  4. #4
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    thanks for the advise, whats a good trade union to go with?
    they put the count up i think because of 2 out of 4 scanner being removed, ive just come back to this dept last week after working in a different dept for the last 2 month so i not know the exact reason for the count going up

  5. #5
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    thanks for the advise, whats a good trade union to go with?
    they put the count up i think because of 2 out of 4 scanner being removed, ive just come back to this dept last week after working in a different dept for the last 2 month so i not know the exact reason for the count going up
    Ask your colleagues at work if they belong to a trade union or look on the notice boards where you work. There will probably be others already belonging to a union. Best to be in the union the majority belong to. Its all about collective bargaining ie the union represents a number of you when arguing your case so if there are more of you to argue for it makes life easier.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    do you get a bonus if you reach your target ?
    they probably will set the production count so high that you'll need to work in your breaks or stay later to reach it

  7. #7
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    ill look on the notice board tomorrow,
    theres no bonus there, theres a sheet on the notice board that has everyones average hourly count on, so everyone is battleing not to be at the botton.
    it was ok working at this play up until the the company won Express And Stars (BEST PLACE TO WORK)

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