Originally posted by admin@Nov 17 2005, 01:09 PM
Yep and more, it's cleaner, you don't get hung for having a political view, and there airport isn't sinking :lol:
I lived in Singers in the early nineties for a couple of years. grew to hate it eventually. Too many rules, and the people are so very 'asian'. Most all of them have some overinflated idea of their self importance, drummed into them by the governments idea of a 'A Tropical City of Excellence in Asia', or whatever the catchy little ditty was back then.

After I left my job and started working offshore I returned a few times a year, and started liking itn again, but only in small doses.

It's too squeeky clean and souless, totally dedicated to making money, for me to develop any great love for the place. If I were well and truly rich, like REAL big bikkies, I could maybe see me having a house there, for visits, but not to live permanently.

As for having political views? No problem, as long as they are just the same as the governments. Unlimited arrest, without trial, for anybody thought to be plotting or preaching against the government. :huh: :unsure: