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right now i don't have a worked out budget, Lolita has income, i have no rents to pay,
i guess our shared budget will be just a little more for 2 persons rather than 1, perhaps because i will at least at first have a preference to any english type food, so expect a little more cost,
on top of that i have my medicines to buy, chest xray every 6 months for about another 3 more years,at the oncology doctors visits, i have 2 injections 3 monthly, 1 vit b12,and 1 obedo oily,doc alan will know what that is ,daily i need magnesium tabs, and possibly will still need creon tabs,
these will be my biggest expense,as i say lita works and has a store door income,i will be building doors on land she already owns to provide income for meds ect, and figure it will take about 3 yrs to get my investment returned from them, but my meds ect not calculated into that yet, so maybe over 3 yrs, also i am going to buy a new motorella put on hire one of her brothers, after 1 year to 18months we will have the moterella investment back, after 3 years , sell it, and replace with a new one again, this is roughly the plan,
the unexpected ie, falling ill either me or lolita, i will have an allocated amount banked in phil, for emergencies such as admittance to hospital, i will be covered by her phil care for a percent of the cost, the rest paid from incomes and savings, a bigger amount left in uk for extreme emergencies,
we both are sensible persons with finance, i am sure we will fair ok,
sorry i cant help you with ideas of budget costs