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Thread: 13 years for violent "Refugee" street mugger

  1. #1
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    13 years for violent "Refugee" street mugger

    Another piece of sh1t we should have been shedding tears for on "World Refugee Day"

    Thirteen years for illegal immigrant who broke the neck of a young ballet star in a violent street mugging

    • Doctors feared Jack Widdowson, 19, would be paralysed for life
    • He was found unconscious on a canal path in Cardiff, south Wales
    • Mohammed Mohamoed, 27, was jailed for 13 years for attack
    • He will be deported from the country when he's released from prison

    ...............................The court heard Mohamoed was born in Egypt and his parents, who are farmers, still live there.

    He drifted through Europe first moving to Italy before settling in Cardiff where he claimed to be a Palestinian refugee.

    Mohamoed lied to the UK border agency

    Read more:

    Looking forward to Jamesey's take on this

  2. #2
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    Was he a refugee ?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Was he a refugee ?
    We were mug enough to accept his claim that he was and start him off on the asylum claiming gravy train

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    We were mug enough to accept his claim that he was and start him off on the asylum claiming gravy train
    I still don't see what this has to do with World Refugee Day. He lied to the authorities, has been convicted of a crime and will be deported. I've got no problem with that.

    Again, you are trying to distort message of World Refugee Day. There are people in the world who have been forced from their homes to flee conflict and violence. You don't seem too bothered about their plight, but I'm proud that we as a nation provide humanitarian assistance.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    There are people in the world who have been forced from their homes to flee conflict and violence. You don't seem too bothered about their plight, but I'm proud that we as a nation provide humanitarian assistance.
    there are, but how do you weed out the fake ones? also if you are a genuine refugee, and your accepted by another country as a guest, if you commit a serious crime that results in a prison sentence surely you would expect to be deported.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    I still don't see what this has to do with World Refugee Day. He lied to the authorities, has been convicted of a crime and will be deported. I've got no problem with that.

    Again, you are trying to distort message of World Refugee Day. There are people in the world who have been forced from their homes to flee conflict and violence. You don't seem too bothered about their plight, but I'm proud that we as a nation provide humanitarian assistance.
    There are plenty of charities and other countries to support so called refugees. There always have been people fleeing violence and conflict but in the good old days they didn't have airlines, lorries and traffickers to bring them to our shores.

    Your naive attitude is - give any piece of excrement who claim they are a refugee the benefit of the doubt, allow them to abuse our benefit system, let them put our citizens at risk by crime or disease, and when they are convicted of a crime spend further taxpayers money jailing them for X years before deporting them.

    If you or your family become one of their crime victims don't say you weren't warned

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    there are, but how do you weed out the fake ones? also if you are a genuine refugee, and your accepted by another country as a guest, if you commit a serious crime that results in a prison sentence surely you would expect to be deported.
    To be honest, I wouldn't be so concerned about the "Refugees" that have the means to make it all the way to this country and I wouldn't automatically give them rights over other immigrants. Also, I wouldn't donate money to charities supporting Refugees in this country.

    My concern is the people who have to flee their homes and arrive at Refugee camps with absolutely nothing. It's happening right now in Syria / Jordan. Until the conflict is resolved, these people need food and shelter. Raising awareness about this and providing aid are the most important things.

    A good friend of mine has worked at a Refugee Camp for MSF. His stories really motivated me to do something!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post

    A good friend of mine has worked at a Refugee Camp for MSF. His stories really motivated me to do something!
    my parents fled the Nazi's and the Russians and came to the UK, but my point is if you commit a crime, if you are a refugee or not you should be deported.

    so whether this guy is or is not a refugee should not matter, what matters is he is a criminal and after his sentence he should be deported.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my parents fled the Nazi's and the Russians and came to the UK, but my point is if you commit a crime, if you are a refugee or not you should be deported.

    so whether this guy is or is not a refugee should not matter, what matters is he is a criminal and after his sentence he should be deported.
    Totally agree with you!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    There are plenty of charities and other countries to support so called refugees.
    Your attitude is "Let someone else deal with it".

    I suggest you read less of the Daily Mail and more of something like this:

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    human rights and a right to a family life should not come before them being a criminal, i think its in Oz, they've got around this by stating your not a refugee if you have committed a crime in Oz as your a danger to OZ, that should apply here .

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my parents fled the Nazi's and the Russians and came to the UK, but my point is if you commit a crime, if you are a refugee or not you should be deported.

    so whether this guy is or is not a refugee should not matter, what matters is he is a criminal and after his sentence he should be deported.
    This grub was proven early on not to be a refugee but instead of being shipped out (no doubt due to Labours Human Rights Act )he was allowed to remain here abusing our welfare system and leading a life of violent crime. Another sound reason for restoring the death penalty.

    Edit - sorry Joe wrote this as you posted # 11 above

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    To be honest, I wouldn't be so concerned about the "Refugees" that have the means to make it all the way to this country and I wouldn't automatically give them rights over other immigrants. Also, I wouldn't donate money to charities supporting Refugees in this country.

    My concern is the people who have to flee their homes and arrive at Refugee camps with absolutely nothing. It's happening right now in Syria / Jordan. Until the conflict is resolved, these people need food and shelter. Raising awareness about this and providing aid are the most important things.

    A good friend of mine has worked at a Refugee Camp for MSF. His stories really motivated me to do something!
    So therefore your posts have nothing to do with so called "refugees" aka illegal economic migrants abusing the hospitality and laws of this country

    I think you need to be lobbying the ambassadors of the oil rich middle east states to see what they're doing to help their fellow muslims - precious little no doubt

  14. #14
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    This country is not big enough to take refugees now. We havnt got accommodation for our own.

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