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Thread: Philippine Embassy

  1. #1
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Philippine Embassy

    Okay, just to give an update. (I've put this in Recommendations & Reviews )

    We went to London yesterday, traveled 5 hours (including stop overs) from our home to London and arrived at around 12:15 pm. We went via M1 and there was no trafffic. We also managed to avoid the rush hour (we left at 7am and by the time we reached M6, it was quite clear). Keith was actually surprised. M25 is where the traffic was and good thing we didn't plan going via there. We went to have lunch first and then proceeded to Philippine Embassy.

    Arrived there at 2pm and got a number for the queue (inside the waiting area). It was really quick when they opened again after lunch (they opened at around 2:10pm - Filipino time ). I only waited around 10 mins for my number to be called. Finished barely an hour. We just spent 1 hour in total in the Philippine Embassy (got out at 3pm). I called Philippine Embassy last week to inquire when is the best time to go there. They told me Monday is the busiest day and morning is the best time. But on my experience, it wasn't that busy yesterday and afternoon is the quickest time (Lots of people in the waiting area but it's because most of them were the applicants' companions).

    The only problem I saw that's causing anyone a lot of time in the embassy is not having all the requirements prepared. One Filipina even asked me if I know any bank near the embassy because her money wasn't enough. Lots of Filipina were having a stressful time inside because their documents were not complete. Photocopy inside the embassy is 10p per copy. So make sure you have everything complete. Also, there were only 2 people in the embassy checking the documents, so if your documents are complete, their job would be easier and faster (that's to our benefit). There's also only one cashier.

    For the ones renewing their passport, I advise you to fill up the form before you go to the embassy. Yes, printed forms are readily available in the embassy but filling it up in there would just cause you a longer stay. Photocopy every requirement (i.e. passport, marriage cert, supporting docs, etc.). The mistake I did was I didn't photocopy my report of marriage and marriage cert thinking that since I already got the report of marriage and that they have a copy of it, they wouldn't need it. WRONG. So photocopy everything. And don't forget to include a special delivery return envelope. They need that for returning your passport or Report of Marriage if you want it delivered to your doorstep.

    Another problem I saw there, Filipinas who were going to submit documents for Report of Marriage (which is also a requirement for passport renewal) didn't have the correct number of copies of their document and forms. Make sure that every document and the form for report of marriage is copied 4 times. This was the one taking them so long in the embassy.

    When it comes to getting your biometrics (digital photo and fingerprints), everything was smooth (2 ladies were doing the biometrics). After you paid the amount for passport renewal, go upstairs for the biometrics. Your name would be called when it's your turn. Take note that for your photo, there is only one shot (unless they say that there's something wrong with your photo, i.e. eyes closed, head tilting, etc.). They will show you the photo and your details to confirm if everything was correct. The only disapproval I had was my photo. I told the lady I didn't like my photo and asked for another shot. But she said there's nothing wrong with it and it's fine (although I still didn't like my photo ).

    So there it is. After all that, Keith and I just roam around the tourists places in Central London. Too bad we can't get in No. 10, I would've complained a lot to Cameron! Hahahahaha. We went home at around 6pm (we spent 30 mins going out of London because we didn't know where to go and our GPS was taking longer than the usual in calculating the streets..hahaha). Oh by the way, we parked in a parking area (basement of a building) at the back of Ritz Hotel in Arlington St. We managed to book a parking space online a few days before we went there. We paid £22.50 for a 24hr parking space because Keith found a discount code online. If we didn't do that, the parking would cost us £8 per hour. Also, for the ones with a blue badge, we found out that there is no congestion charges (we actually didn't know it until we check it online ).
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  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    One of my friends renewed passport recently, visited the embassy and experience the same lark like other Filipinos you have seen there. The thing with Philippine Embassy is the information on their website isn't updated. Many people including me had to experience hassle because of their misleading website. I have already complaint about that but there is no action so far so I do feel bad with those Filipino's who get stucked because of the Embassy's system.

    Anyway, it has been a long trip for you and job well for you and for Sir Keith as well.

  3. #3
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    (a) the original and four (4) copies of the Marriage Certificate,
    (b) four (4) duly accomplished Report of Marriage forms (which are available at the Embassy and at the Embassy website),
    (c) four (4) passport size photos of husband and wife, taken within the last 6 months,
    (d) four (4) photocopies of the passports of the husband and wife.

    Are these requirements correct still? I just want to make sure so in future I know what to do.

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i assume that getting a number and queue, this is visiting the embassy without an appointment, or does an appointment have to be made

  5. #5
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    Nice report Rayna, well done and thanks for posting.

    Seems you had a 'easy' visit.
    You're right about the potential delays. Many folks seem to think because it's a Philippine Embassy it will 'operate' similar to when they're actually back home in that consideration can be made for small things not quite complete.
    That's the biggest problem.

    Why oh why can't folks just follow the rules

    Hope you had a nice lunch and a nice experience around London

  6. #6
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    (a) the original and four (4) copies of the Marriage Certificate,
    (b) four (4) duly accomplished Report of Marriage forms (which are available at the Embassy and at the Embassy website),
    (c) four (4) passport size photos of husband and wife, taken within the last 6 months,
    (d) four (4) photocopies of the passports of the husband and wife.

    Are these requirements correct still? I just want to make sure so in future I know what to do.
    Yes, that's correct for the Report of Marriage. If you already done that and you are going to renew your passport, you only have to photo copy the stamped Report of Marriage and the marriage cert. But you still need to show the original form & docs.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  7. #7
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    i assume that getting a number and que, this is visiting the embassy without an appointment, or does an appointment have to be made
    There is no appointment at the Philippine Embassy. You just have to go there. It would be easier if they have that. But usually with Filipinos, even appointments aren't followed.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Nice report Rayna, well done and thanks for posting.

    Seems you had a 'easy' visit.
    You're right about the potential delays. Many folks seem to think because it's a Philippine Embassy it will 'operate' similar to when they're actually back home in that consideration can be made for small things not quite complete.
    That's the biggest problem.

    Why oh why can't folks just follow the rules

    Hope you had a nice lunch and a nice experience around London
    We had our lunch at Mr. Wu Chines Buffet at China Town. Food would've been great but most weren't hot. With the cost of £8.95 per person, at least they should make sure the food is hot. The taste is good though. Keith and I have a habit of trying out Chinese buffets hahahaha. Oh, we didn't leave any tip by the way..hahaha

    And my legs and back are hurting now, with all the walks we did and my heavy bag with me, it's a good thing I can still stand on my feet! As for Keith, I don't think he would ever go back to London again. He hated it before, I think he hates it more than ever now!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  9. #9
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    Been to Mr. Wu they keep changes there prices often the first time we went there the price was £6.95 and the second time was £7.95 and everytime we go there were not give any tip. Hahaha

  10. #10
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovejoy View Post
    Been to Mr. Wu they keep changes there prices often the first time we went there the price was £6.95 and the second time was £7.95 and everytime we go there were not give any tip. Hahaha
    I think there are three Mr. Wu restaurants there which all have the same owners (Little Wu and 2 Mr. Wu, one is cheaper at £4.95). I'm not sure though if that cheaper Mr. Wu is the Little Wu, but if you look at Google Street View, there is a Little Wu. We went to the most expensive one based on the reviews online (reviews said most Chinese buffets within the China Town are crap but the expensive Mr. Wu at Shaftesbury Avenue is the best among them all. Then, we found out it's still disappointing. Keith said Southerners probably have different tastes. Hahaha
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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    The last time we went there me and my husband said wont go back there again. Lol

  12. #12
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    By the way, the staff in Philippine Embassy were surprisingly very good. They weren't like the snob ones in the Philippines (most government employees are). I even had a laugh with the lady doing my biometrics because I told her I didn't like my photo. She was really chatty and I liked her, very calm and friendly. And the guy who checked my documents was really accommodating. Trust me, if this was in the Philippines, and all the applicants are lacking the documents that needed to be submitted, expect that you would see an irritable staff. But not in the Philippine Embassy (as far as I saw it yesterday). Even when I called before on the phone (when I was inquiring about Report Of Marriage months ago and last week when I called to inquire about the passport renewal) they were not irritable or such (you would notice it, compared to the ones I talked in UKBA when I was inquiring about my FLR(M) application). Kudos to them really.
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  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Yes ... representatives of the Philippine Embassy travel up to Scottish cities annually. This year, they visited Edinburgh one Saturday in April ... at which point, Myrna and I went through
    to the Capital, in order to renew her PH Citizenship.

    As is customary with Embassies, we'd to arrive very early in the morning. Luckily, there was a bus that left Perth early enough to get there on time, thank goodness.

    Anyway, the staff COULDN'T have been nicer! Both the Philippine Ambassador to the UK (male) and the Philippine Consul (female) were in attendance ... and each shook hands with us both. Amazing!

    Pity the British Embassy staff don't take a "leaf out of THEIR book"!!

  14. #14
    Respected Member han's Avatar
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    Thank You for posting this Rayna, as you know I'm also the next one who will renew my passport BIG help.

  15. #15
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Okay, just to give an update. (I've put this in Recommendations & Reviews )

    We went to London yesterday, traveled 5 hours (including stop overs) from our home to London and arrived at around 12:15 pm. We went via M1 and there was no trafffic. We also managed to avoid the rush hour (we left at 7am and by the time we reached M6, it was quite clear). Keith was actually surprised. M25 is where the traffic was and good thing we didn't plan going via there. We went to have lunch first and then proceeded to Philippine Embassy.

    Arrived there at 2pm and got a number for the queue (inside the waiting area). It was really quick when they opened again after lunch (they opened at around 2:10pm - Filipino time ). I only waited around 10 mins for my number to be called. Finished barely an hour. We just spent 1 hour in total in the Philippine Embassy (got out at 3pm). I called Philippine Embassy last week to inquire when is the best time to go there. They told me Monday is the busiest day and morning is the best time. But on my experience, it wasn't that busy yesterday and afternoon is the quickest time (Lots of people in the waiting area but it's because most of them were the applicants' companions).

    The only problem I saw that's causing anyone a lot of time in the embassy is not having all the requirements prepared. One Filipina even asked me if I know any bank near the embassy because her money wasn't enough. Lots of Filipina were having a stressful time inside because their documents were not complete. Photocopy inside the embassy is 10p per copy. So make sure you have everything complete. Also, there were only 2 people in the embassy checking the documents, so if your documents are complete, their job would be easier and faster (that's to our benefit). There's also only one cashier.

    For the ones renewing their passport, I advise you to fill up the form before you go to the embassy. Yes, printed forms are readily available in the embassy but filling it up in there would just cause you a longer stay. Photocopy every requirement (i.e. passport, marriage cert, supporting docs, etc.). The mistake I did was I didn't photocopy my report of marriage and marriage cert thinking that since I already got the report of marriage and that they have a copy of it, they wouldn't need it. WRONG. So photocopy everything. And don't forget to include a special delivery return envelope. They need that for returning your passport or Report of Marriage if you want it delivered to your doorstep.

    Another problem I saw there, Filipinas who were going to submit documents for Report of Marriage (which is also a requirement for passport renewal) didn't have the correct number of copies of their document and forms. Make sure that every document and the form for report of marriage is copied 4 times. This was the one taking them so long in the embassy.

    When it comes to getting your biometrics (digital photo and fingerprints), everything was smooth (2 ladies were doing the biometrics). After you paid the amount for passport renewal, go upstairs for the biometrics. Your name would be called when it's your turn. Take note that for your photo, there is only one shot (unless they say that there's something wrong with your photo, i.e. eyes closed, head tilting, etc.). They will show you the photo and your details to confirm if everything was correct. The only disapproval I had was my photo. I told the lady I didn't like my photo and asked for another shot. But she said there's nothing wrong with it and it's fine (although I still didn't like my photo ).

    So there it is. After all that, Keith and I just roam around the tourists places in Central London. Too bad we can't get in No. 10, I would've complained a lot to Cameron! Hahahahaha. We went home at around 6pm (we spent 30 mins going out of London because we didn't know where to go and our GPS was taking longer than the usual in calculating the streets..hahaha). Oh by the way, we parked in a parking area (basement of a building) at the back of Ritz Hotel in Arlington St. We managed to book a parking space online a few days before we went there. We paid £22.50 for a 24hr parking space because Keith found a discount code online. If we didn't do that, the parking would cost us £8 per hour. Also, for the ones with a blue badge, we found out that there is no congestion charges (we actually didn't know it until we check it online ).
    London Philippine Embassy is quite efficient and friendly.I've been there twice for visa applications and each time I was delt with quickly.There were 4 people doing the checking each time I was there but still only one cashier. If your unsure of any thing the people out in the other office where the copy machine is will help you.

  16. #16
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    Interesting and amusing report Rayna !

    So, to sum up.....take 10 copies of everything, and a packed lunch.

    Is the local water ok to drink ?

  17. #17
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Interesting and amusing report Rayna !

    So, to sum up.....take 10 copies of everything, and a packed lunch.

    Is the local water ok to drink ?
    I don't know about the local water but Keith and I brought our own..hahaha
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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