I am neither a GP nor a member of the BMA. It has a long history of disputes with the Government – overwhelmingly opposing creation of the NHS in 1948 - and declaring “ no confidence “ in Health Secretaries, including the latest ( Jeremy Hunt ).
Of course GPs – or more likely their practice staff – could do more to check patients’ visa documentation at reception. Practice staff are not entitled to ask for clinical details.
Hopefully I am not included – in members’ eyes - among the " arrogant so and so’s " of the minority of GPs who actually have the time to attend and speak at BMA meetings.
Most doctors are not just motivated by greed but also by compassion and a desire to treat the sick. They are guided by the Hippocratic Oath, as Arthur has reminded us, and also by GMC good practice guidelines ( imperfect as they may be ). They already have many bureaucratic hoops to jump through. Responsibility for eligibility for treatment cannot rest just with doctors or their staff.
Our NHS faces challenges – resources are limited. It will have to define what is “ core “ ( taxpayer funded ) and what requires personal insurance. The system does needs to change, but compassion will always be needed.
God help us if ever doctors in this country - whether General Practice OR hospital - are forced down the route of refusing treatment EITHER if an immigrant doesn’t have a visa … OR if a future NHS requires proof of the required level of insurance, as happens in countries such as the Philippines. There, ill people are treated if they can afford it, or may die without even seeing a doctor ( more than half of the population ).
As with my other threads, I went to great trouble to post on Health Tourism two weeks ago. The ONE response was from a moderator who is also a personal friend. " Prostate Cancer " did better - two responses. BOTH issues affect the Philippines AND the UK.
Here is part of my original thread :-
• Everyone in the UK – regardless of immigration or residency status – is entitled to free care in Accident and Emergency, treatment for sexually-transmitted infections, and conditions such as TB and malaria. NHS staff will treat anyone whose condition is deemed life-threatening or urgent, including women giving birth. “ Walk In Clinics “ are also free to all.
It’s not just in the interest of compassion and fulfilling the Hippocratic Oath that patients are treated. It’s also enlightened self interest – protecting our own taxpaying population from imported infectious diseases.
Nobody can be forced to read my posts, nor am I under any obligation to continue contributing. It is after all, not primarily a medical forum. I’m grateful to my loyal supporters.