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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Penny congratulations girl on your new job, its nice to see foreigners coming to our disunited kingdom and paying Class 1 National insurance contributions and general income tax.

    Dont worry, at present marriage is not rewarded in the tax system, but whe get rid of this shower that is runining our country, you will be rewarded for being married in your pay packet, but the good news is, your Class 1 contributions and those of your employer will stand you in good stead for your Pension in retirement, plus you will get the 2nd state pension based on your earnings throughout your life time.

    The other good news for recently arriving Filipina spouses, is that hopefully in the Governments white paper, should it be ratified by parliament, you will only have to have 30 qualifying years to claim your full state pension after 2010.

    But as Keith says, you are doing quite well, your taxes are much needed because we need to have cruise missiles for our Trident Nuclear Submarine fleet, they are needed to fire across the desert and up a camels ass.

    Your £80.00 a week tax helps...thank you for that.

    Gordon will thank you, he wants more of your money, so that he can spend it on what he thinks we all need.

    About your prescription charge of £7.00, wow is that what it is now ? that just shows you how long it is since I had one, my wife had a presription last year, it cost me £29.00 for all the items on the form, she nearly collapsed from the shock...she was all the time Reklamo...I jus told her thats the way it is...but please honey not to be sick here in UK.

    Because if you go to a hospital, you might die on entry from MRSA or C Difficile, I also told her to get treatment in Bacolod City if she can, I always try not to get sick in UK, best to get sick in Philippines, where they have Doctors you can see same day, not having to wait 1 week for an appointment, when you pay £300.00 a week in Income tax, and Class 4 national insurance contributions, its a bit of a tall order when you are turned away from seeing a Doctor because quote "You have moved address"

    Sometimes Penny its better to go into a pharmacy and ask them about certain conditions that may prevent you from having to see a quack, here in UK the maximum time they are allowed is about 7 minutes a patient, I try and avoid Doctors surgeries here in UK, they are depressing and the receptionists are little horrors (jobsworthy's) whose job it appears is to prevent you from seeing a Doctor when you need it, why else would you take time out of your schedule to see one, I feel sorry for those people who commute into London to work, and cannot take time out to see a Doctor when they need it.

    The system is a disgrace and is in bad need of reform, but until we get rid of this shower of socialists, the system will only get worse, so Penny I wish you well in our country, its not perfect I know, but its the best that we cann offer you right now....

    Best of Luck.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    so who would you put into power peter ? their all the same, i never saw tony blair in a tank, unlike thatcher the milk snatcher ! . what else is left for the tories to sell off ? she sold the sliver off to the fat cats years ago. at least the labour party brought in the minimum wage, and the tories said it would cost 100,000s of jobs and they kinda got round to banning foxhunting , what did the tories ever do ???

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