Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage issued in the UK

A CNI can be issued by your district registrar in the UK. A notice of marriage will have to be displayed for 21 clear days before the registrar will issue a CNI. Please contact your local registry office for more details.
Once issued, the CNI should be legalised at the Legalisation Office of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The address is:

Old Admiralty Building
WhitehallLondonSW1A 2LG:
tel: 020 7008 1111
fax: 020 7008 1010

If you have been married before, then your divorce certificate (Decree Absolute) or death certificate of a former spouse should also be legalised by the Legalisation Office in the UK.

Never heard of anyone else needing this, but things change so fast.

As for the passport, just take it to a solicitors, if he's going to charge a lot, go to another one. Ours was done for free, if they do that, take them in a box of biscuits, it'll mean they do it for free for the next person

DAVAO!!! EEK! Horrible place......Have you been up Mt Apo? I wasn't allowed due to the terrorists living up there. Never even got to the beach!