Transfer my pension funds to my Philippine account easy job you would think. DWP 10 mins on the phone, job done and dusted terrific.
Prudential is another thing, I called them in April to say I was thinking to change banks and what information do you need from me to do this. You just need to send us a fax with your signature on it and that will be fine, ok but are you sure that is all you need, oh yes sir.
No way, I phone again in May to say my new account is set up and to check about sending the fax, thats ok sir just put the details in the fax. June I phone again, is my account set up? oh a few more days sir and we will make payment 1st July,great you think, no way. So I phone again, why have I not received my money? Oh you need to send us proof of ID copy of passport bank statement (utility bill, this is the Philippines ffs) So now at a cost of £30 I have to FedEx this information to them.
So next we have Reassure who used to be Windsor Life. We just need copy of your passport and the new details of your bank account and proof of your address, ok so I throw in copy of my I-Card that has my address on.another £30 to send that, so I wait and wait to hear from them.......... nothing. So I phone them again, why have I not received any pension since April? Your documents need to be certified sir Why did you not tell me this in the first place, and why have you not called me to tell me so, dont know sir, I cant put into print what I said to them, so yet another £30 to send again plus lawyer fees for his stamp. So i am not a happy chappy at the moment.