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Thread: question regarding french visa

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    question regarding french visa

    Hi everyone,

    I have a question regarding the french visa. I renewed my titre de sejour at the perfecture but since my card is not ready yet they gave me a "recepisse de demande de carte de sejour " and at the back it was saying that i have to go back to renew this recipisse on August 29... so here is my prob : In case i go for vacation in the Philippines this coming July until August? Can i use the recipisse to travel? even i don't have my card yet? I'm afraid that if i have just the recipisse i will have problem with the immigration especially when i need to go back to France like before August 29. I am not sure if i can use it to travel because in the reciepisse it only says that its authorize me to work.

    Is anybody had the same problem like me before? hope you all can help me.

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    This is not really the place to give you the best options on that one.

    A carte de séjour is simply a residence permit in France.
    A residence card pretty much allows you to travel around EU without any other special visa. Can even allow you into UK under certain conditions.

    A récépissé de demande de carte de séjour is just a document saying that you have applied for a residence permit.
    This will get you around the Schengen zone without difficulty. It will not get you into UK

    Neither of these are travel documents that can be used in place of a passport.Period.
    So I'm not sure what you really mean when you ask "can use it to travel"?

    If you travel to the Philippines and then on your return to France your récépissé de demande de carte de séjour is found expired or invalid you will be highly likely to experience difficulty unless you can secure a French Schenghen Visa during your Philippine trip.

    Do not expect immigration to allow you to enter France without the correct documentation.
    Do not expect to use the carte de sejour (or indeed the récépissé de demande de carte de séjour) as a travel document in place of a passport.

    Sorry If I've misunderstood your problem.
    Which visa did you have when you entered France ?

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    sorry if this is not the right site to ask questions like this. I just want to seek some advice.

    I emailed the perfecture and they answered that i can travel to the Philippines using the recipisse i have as long as i go back in France before it expires..and sorry i forgot to mention that i have a Philippine passport.

    I have all the documentation that i can present to the immigration in case i will encounter problems regarding my visa. I just want to be sure that i can enter back in France even with this recipisse..

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by janseym13 View Post
    ......they answered that i can travel to the Philippines using the recipisse i have as long as i go back in France before it expires....
    I very much doubt that advice.
    Do you honestly believe that you will be allowed to proceed through check-in, at an airport without using a passport ?

    As I said, I'm not familiar with entry procedures into France under the circumstances you mention. There are many factors involved. But for sure, that récépissé is not an entry document for you and will likely be a problem for you if you try to re-enter after it expires on August 29th unless you are carrying other acceptable dopcumentation.

    The best thing for you to do is to secure proper written advice from the French Authorities on this.

    If you heed my advice and I am correct you will have no problem and be able to travel and re-enter France.
    If you heed my advice and I am incorrect you will have no problem and be able to travel and re-enter France.

    Best of luck.

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