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Thread: bullied

  1. #1
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Hello, just need advice n my pinoy colleagues r been bullied by our eng.coworker at work. We are planning to write a complain against to her. Is it worth to do it? What is the advantage and disadvantage? Advice pls. tnx!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how are you being bullied ?

    before you do something i would get evidence , secretly record it, maybe record video on your mobile, or most mobile have a audio recorder.

    without evidence they could just deny it

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Yes, get evidence before you do anything else.

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    Hello, just need advice n my pinoy colleagues r been bullied by our eng.coworker at work. We are planning to write a complain against to her. Is it worth to do it? What is the advantage and disadvantage? Advice pls. tnx!
    Hiya there sorry to hear about your situation and I will advise you as well to get as much evidence as you can like recent post try and secretly record whats happening and back it up with other colleagues complaints also.

    I hate it when people are picked on whether its race, homophobia, age ect ect, these people are usually very sad in life with low self esteem and gain power by blaming there own sad little existence unto others take care and good luck.

  5. #5
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Personally I think if there are more than one of you being bullied by the same person you already have a case.
    Do you work for a big company. Do you have a union.
    Most big companies have policies to deal with Harassment and Bullying in the workplace and I personally would be looking at putting a stop to it now.
    This is a link to ACAS guide on Harassment and Bullying have a read and if necessary speak to someone. They have a helpline number

  6. #6
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    First it was happen when me n 3 pinoy were reading about policy at work then this eng.woman just interrupted and was saying to us can u read? can u understand? d'yo want me to translate it into chinise?...2nd, its long story... I was burst into tears cause she was shouting n swear of me infront of my colleagues. I reported it our dep.mngr. and she did apologized to me. But just recently she was started again... About d 3 pinoy they have dif.probz aswell against to her... Anyway, thank u all for your advice!

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    First it was happen when me n 3 pinoy were reading about policy at work then this eng.woman just interrupted and was saying to us can u read? can u understand? d'yo want me to translate it into chinise?...2nd, its long story... I was burst into tears cause she was shouting n swear of me infront of my colleagues. I reported it our dep.mngr. and she did apologized to me. But just recently she was started again... About d 3 pinoy they have dif.probz aswell against to her... Anyway, thank u all for your advice!
    Try not to cry or show that your feelings are hurt. These pathetic kind of individuals will get off on it and will harass you even more.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Janedan0913's Avatar
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    I've been bullied at work, not only English people but different race as well. Before, I am always hurt with whatever they say. But as time comes by, I just ignore this people. They will eventually stop if you just ignore them. Just do your work and do the reverse psychology method. That way, they will feel guilty if they know that you are not affected instead you are still nice to her. Try to relax and be cool.

  9. #9
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    Try not to cry, If she treat you like an idiot, treat her like a s**t ........If she shouting you next time then shout her back....don't let anyone treat you like you are a crap....I hate people like that...I have encountered people like that at worked before, she sounds like the boss do this, do that, I was pissed off..I answered her back she never stop moaning I did report her and never talk to her again...

  10. #10
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    First it was happen when me n 3 pinoy were reading about policy at work then this eng.woman just interrupted and was saying to us can u read? can u understand? d'yo want me to translate it into chinise?...2nd, its long story... I was burst into tears cause she was shouting n swear of me infront of my colleagues. I reported it our dep.mngr. and she did apologized to me. But just recently she was started again... About d 3 pinoy they have dif.probz aswell against to her... Anyway, thank u all for your advice!
    Always best to nip this sort of thing in the bud early on.
    I would suggest you make a formal complaint in writing to your immediate manager. Just outline what she's doing and state that you would like it to stop. If the company take these things seriously they should call her in and speak to her and that should end it.
    It's important to keep a record of these incidents and names of people who witnessed it.
    It's important that you stand up to her and not let her away with it.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Seems like a few of you are getting bullied. For what it's worth I was picked on myself a couple of times, but that was at school. I was a placid quiet kid who didn't say boo to a goose, a bit different to what I am like now but that's what society does to you.

    So anyway I seemed like an easy target to one or two but they didn't realise I had a temper. Takes quite a bit for me to kick off but when I do, fur flies. Everyone's got a breaking point, something bullies don't really grasp. So the inevitable happened and both were introduced to the playground asphalt on separate occasions never to bother me again.

    But you can't really get physical nowadays with people, especially at work so you just have to outsmart them and that's not hard because they're pretty predictable. Plus they're weak even though they don't come across like that but that's just a front to mask their fragility.

    You could even blag them by saying something like this.

    "Can you carry on for a few more minutes, I'm doing a YouTube video and you've got the leading role, bet you didn't realise I had a hidden camera and you're been recorded. Get lost or you're going online"

    People have lost their jobs and even gone to prison lately for stuff they have said while being recorded and the video has gone on YouTube. Saying something like this will make them sit up and take notice but if you can find a way of recording them for real that's even better. You'll have them over a barrel.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by aug06_2006 View Post
    First it was happen when me n 3 pinoy were reading about policy at work then this eng.woman just interrupted and was saying to us can u read? can u understand? d'yo want me to translate it into chinise?...2nd, its long story... I was burst into tears cause she was shouting n swear of me infront of my colleagues. I reported it our dep.mngr. and she did apologized to me. But just recently she was started again... About d 3 pinoy they have dif.probz aswell against to her... Anyway, thank u all for your advice!
    This is serious stuff. Racial harrassment.

    Department of Employment will be able to advise your best course of action, if you give them a ring.

    Otherwise, one of the anti-racism organisations, Citizens Advice Bureau etc.

    This bully really hasn't got a leg to stand on and could be severely punished in court for such behaviour .

    Here are the facts:

  13. #13
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    Bullying is very subjective and many organizations have a policy about it. Better check it out. Other thing is, make sure that you don't signal your intention as he or she might get a case against you earlier.

    Anyway, chances are it will be your word against her. You don't need a video because it is actually illegal to video someone without their permission. Just keep a diary and perhaps get a feeling from colleagues if everyoen feels the same. The more to complain the better

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by webclinician View Post
    .... You don't need a video because it is actually illegal to video someone without their permission....
    Really ??
    I don't think it's quite as clear cut as that.
    In basic principle you can.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by webclinician View Post
    Bullying is very subjective and many organizations have a policy about it. Better check it out. Other thing is, make sure that you don't signal your intention as he or she might get a case against you earlier.

    Anyway, chances are it will be your word against her. You don't need a video because it is actually illegal to video someone without their permission. Just keep a diary and perhaps get a feeling from colleagues if everyoen feels the same. The more to complain the better
    Rubbish. You are wrong.

    Please don't give out false information. It is not helpful.

  16. #16
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Rubbish. You are wrong.

    Please don't give out false information. It is not helpful.
    I'm not sure if this would be the same case for the OP if they use recordings or such. Just correct me if I'm wrong cos this one bugs me when Keith told me the story.

    Keith told me before that when her sister was in court to get the custody of her kids years ago, they recorded his sister's ex-hubby as a proof of him telling the kids what to say in the court and that the domestic violence allegations of him aren't true. But it wasn't allowed/accepted in the court because the judge told them that Keith's sister didn't ask permission from the ex-hubby for the recordings to be made. Because of that, they didn't have any proof of his domestic violence and the kids ended up with him. I'm not sure if the judge and the rest did even listen to the recordings.
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    That's because although it is not illegal to photograph or film somebody in this country (no actual privacy laws), it doesn't mean that such evidence would be admissable in a court of law. That is up to the Judge to decide.

    In some businesses or properties, it may not be permitted because of data protection laws.

    Ultimately, anyone can appeal to the Human Rights court, but rather unlikely.

    We are all filmed (without our permission) many times a day on CCTV cameras, both private and public.

    Of course if you were found to have filmed somebody for voyeuristic reasons, then you'd no doubt be in trouble. It's the motive that matters.

  18. #18
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    That's because although it is not illegal to photograph or film somebody in this country (no actual privacy laws), it doesn't mean that such evidence would be admissable in a court of law. That is up to the Judge to decide.

    In some businesses or properties, it may not be permitted because of data protection laws.

    Ultimately, anyone can appeal to the Human Rights court, but rather unlikely.

    We are all filmed (without our permission) many times a day on CCTV cameras, both private and public.

    Of course if you were found to have filmed somebody for voyeuristic reasons, then you'd no doubt be in trouble. It's the motive that matters.
    Thanks for explaining Graham!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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