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Thread: Need Advice

  1. #31
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by rands@Dec 29 2005, 06:00 PM
    Hello Andypaul,

    I just want to know if when you cut and paste the yahoo chat log, did you edit your conversation? of course, there should be some private or personal talk which you dont want the eco to know....

    It seems he just copied and pasted the chat history which shows the dates on which you have had YM chats and the id's, not the actual yahoo chats themselves.

    The general consensus seems to be, do not show the actual chats.

  2. #32
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Dec 29 2005, 07:10 PM
    It seems he just copied and pasted the chat history which shows the dates on which you have had YM chats and the id's, not the actual yahoo chats themselves.

    The general consensus seems to be, do not show the actual chats.
    Yes thats what we did. we ended up with several pages of screen shots with dates and it looked just like a phone bill would who you contacted and when. Ours showed at least everyday we made contact.

    With regards to folders I had sent out a few of various types. When My Wife had to send in the paperwork, it was rushed for various reasons.

    But basically the paperwork was placed in our case into both the orignal and photocopies folders in order, with a contents page and deviders. These two folders were placed into the big jiffy bag the cava courier man had. I'm sure the paperwork requirments will have changed since we were asked. But make sure you keep your paperwork organised from day one will save you loads of headaches later on.

    oh Its best to keep paperwork loose no staples, we were informed by the Embassy.

    On the checklist we recieved back the items mentioned were as typed below. With a check box alongside. This might give you an idea of the things that they are looking for. But as others have mentioned best to put every piece of information/evidence revelant to the case which helps the CEO make a judgment.

    Also please note the requirments constantly change and are slightly different for each couples application.

    Application form vaf2

    Passport picture

    Visa fee

    Passport ( in maiden name and maried name)

    Full copy of sponsor's passports

    Letter of Support (from Sponsor)
    Then in section called Evidence Adequate Accommodation

    Moratgage Documents or

    Rent Book

    Evidence of Permanent Residence (unless sponsor is uk national) which they ticked for me

    Two more tick boxes with other: written besides

    The Next section was Evidence of sponsors Financial capacity

    Evidence of employment

    Bank statment



    Evidence of contact (with sponsor) -optional

    Telephone Bills

    Personal Letters/Emails

    Others: for ours had pictures noted down

    next section called Sponsorered by Spouse

    Additioinal copies of sponsor's passport

    Marriage Contract on NSO Security Paper

    Birth certficates of chilldren on NSO Security paper

    Annulment or divorce papers (if applicable)

    section called Sponsered by Fiancee

    Birth Certficates of Children on NSO Security Paper

    Annulment or Divorce Papers (If applicable)

    Last section Unmarried or same sex dependents

    Evidence of previous cohabitation

    Sorry its so rough just quickly typed out the list.

  3. #33
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    Hi Andypaul,

    May i ask if you could give us the letter pattern for the wife's letter? Thank you so much and happy new year!


  4. #34
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by rands@Jan 1 2006, 07:26 PM
    Hi Andypaul,

    May i ask if you could give us the letter pattern for the wife's letter? Thank you so much and happy new year!


    Well starts out with the normal basic Letter start

    My Wifes address

    Entry Clearance Officer
    British Embassy Manila
    15th Floor
    LV LOCSIN Building
    6752 Ayala Avenue
    1226 Makati City

    Dear Sir/Madam

    Then My wife Wrote a short letter about the Folders and the Information contained. She then described in her own words a basic outline how we met, how we kept in contact, met in person etc.
    My Wife described her current situation, talked about her qualfications/skills she has which would be revelant for work in the UK so that she would not be a burden to public funds.
    How she had improved her English, made contact/friends as best she coud with my friends and family in the uk. Researched the uk and our local area etc.

    Nothing to indepth but it gave my wifes point of view and answered many of the questions which might be asked in a typical interview.

    Hope this helps and a happy new year to you also Rands

  5. #35
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Nov 22 2005, 11:45 AM
    (and by the way, it does not seem to be a problem, if you are married and are interviewed as what is in your passport..i.e. your maiden name, this has no relevance, so dont go worrying about changing your wife's passport to her married name, this can take up to 1 month)
    I'm told that now this really does matter, A Friends new wife had her application rejected in September due to not having her passport in her new name. After this was corrected the visa was issued without any interview.
    Of course a very full folder helped ;-), I do wonder how much it was helped by their wedding photos, which showed she was accepted by his family and friends by us all turning up in Manila for the wedding.

    The wedding was a life changing experience for me too, because it was then that I met someone that would become my lady. We got engaged on 1/1/06 in front of her family and friends, and we are arranging the wedding for the end of the year. I've spent the last 45 days staying with her family (returned yesterday)

    (oh it appears to be cheaper to fly your close family and best man to Manila and pay for a good sized wedding than to have a small wedding here....other friends can pay their own way )


  6. #36
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With regards to changing the Wifes name to yours or not. Of course its a personel decision and like Pete rightly says increases the time taken. As in our case My wife had to go to the CFO for a letter to give to the DFA along with her old passport to get a new one.

    There is no Law to say a woman takes a mans name, but even in "PC" uk, if you introdce yourself as Mr Smith and Wife, it will be in most cases assumed your Wife is Mrs Smith.

    From the Embassy's point of View it might be thought odd that the Woman is not wanting to change her name to her Husbands. The CEO might think hmm is she not really in love with her Husband. Is it jst a marriage of convience?

    If your wife was not to change her name to yours (as is quite within her rights in both countries) then i would make sure in covering letters this is explained clearly.
    It should be a matter just between the two of you but like a lot of things regarding the Visa application the CEO will feel they need to know.

    If my Wife had decided to keep her name, i would have made sure we both mentioned it in our covering letters, explaining why we feel its right. Mention Equal opptunties and im sure the Embassy will be very wary to challenge it. They wouldn't ask a man from the phillipines to change his name to his wife's if applying for a Visa to the UK so why should they ask a Woman to do so?

    Also stating what we would use for our Chilldrens surname (example Smith marcos) if we were to have etc. So we show that we have thought though the decision and its not just so its convient and hurries up the application. We shouldn't have to do this but its worth accepting that you have to suspend what you belive is right and follow the rules the Embassy set.

    An extra paragraph of explaining may solve the issue, who knows..

    Having said that My Wife actually wanted to change her Surname to mine, which we were both happy with. Even today in the UK its thought worth doing by most Women unless they feel strongly about it. For one simple fact it makes life easier it seems with regards to paperwork and officialdom. This is the Advice i got from Women already in the UK of all ages and backgrounds.

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