Hello everyone,

I am new in this site. I am currently preparing for my fiance visa application. I need your advice regarding the application aside from the ones written in this site. I need to know what you think our CHANCES of getting a fiance visa.

Here is the case:

1. My fiance and i have met once for about a couple of weeks and we have known each other for 7 months. We have been committed for 5 months including online and until personal meeting.

2. We have evidence of this in the form of a. emails, b. greeting cards, c. photographs, and d. Yahoo Chat Log

Note that the emails and cards are only a few like 5-10 pcs as we usually use yahoo chat messenger and we chat for 3-5 hours. MY PROBLEM is most of our chats include very personal conversations which include sex and visa stuff and etc, which i think normal to a couple. PLEASE Advise on how to print this YAHOO CHAT LOG without the content but it included the entent of time of the chat cause as i see, it only shows the DATE, MY FIANCE NAME AND MY NAME.

3. The british fiance has complete papers.

THANKS a lot for your help.
