Hey Andypaul,Originally posted by andypaul@Dec 17 2005, 12:58 AM
Just wanted to let you know that My Wife and I we just cut and paste the Chat log History in my case to Paint. Which just showed times dates and that we talking every day. We didn't have records from day one as both of us did not think of switching yahoo's delete archive after a set amount of days off.
We explained this in one of our letters from the two of us. We did have phone records for both mobile (Text and calls when i couldn't be bothered/unable to get a decent line on alpha and a print out of all our alpha telecom records. But when Cavas courier turned up with a oversized Jiffby bag my wife could not fit them all in so we just sent the last six months.
As well as sending wage slips, bank copies, Propety details both orignal and copies, we also sent a small powerpoint presentation with information, descrptions,measurments(important as you must have a room exclusively for you and your wife which is more than 50 sq feet thats not a bathroom or kitchen) and photos of all rooms in my flat.
I also printed up as well a print out of all my direct debits/standing orders each month from my online bank account and made notes showing how these would change once my wife was here. I also gave a breakdown of how my money was spent each month for example direct debit total,food other regular payments not made by direct debit. This showed that i had quite a bit over the amount paid to a person on income support, which im think is about 50 plus pounds a week. Which im led to belive used by the appeals procedure to see if you have enough money left over after expenses to support your Wife.
Sounds over the top but i work in IT and thats how i have learned to get a pay rise/major purchase on behalf of my department etc. Ensure that the person making the decisions has so much information they should have no doubt in there mind. People are naturally lazy unless you present the Information to them its unlikely they will look for it themselves
So we sent all the requested paperwork
Passports, Birth certficates,CNI,NSo Marriage cert,CFO paperwork when my wife went to change her surname to mine in her passport. ETC
We sent in as many cards (was not that many as we prefered the speed of email/messagner/sms) receipts from fedex parcels, gift cards from presents and flowers i sent. Sent a series of Photos of us together, with members of family and friends also of course of the wedding. We sent print outs of Emails at least one a month,Yahoo chat history print outs,phone records. Bank statments, Print outs of Money transfers
But I think more importantly we sent in a series of Letters.
1 A letter from My Wife
2 A letter from Myself
3 A letter on my Finacial situation now and once my wife was in the UK. With as i mentioned before a page printed from my Banks website showing all my Direct Debits now and once my wife arrived. This was to show that we could support her while she was finding work.
4 Mini Brochure of My Flat. Showing it was suitable accomdation for the two of us to live in under British Law.
Basically we put oursleves in the shoes of the Embassy and thought what do they need?
They need the proof that we have met Photos, plane tickets,hotel recepits etc
Proof that we spend every waking moment chatting if possible and were madly in love.
Proof that we had adqueate accomadation in the uk. With a room only used by us which was over 50sq ft, which i owned and was paying all the bills on.
Proof that we had the finacial income to support both of us with out requiring help from the goverment.
Also proof that my wife was equipped to get a job in the UK Job market in the shape of an ielts certifcate showing she had obtained a grade 6 (Same as nurses/care workers require im told) Which is more proof she will not be a burden on the state.
I think what shocked us most was how after so much rushing about and worry all we had back was our orignals, My wifes passport with the magic stamp and tucked into the jiffy bag a sheet of A5 paper (with for some reason the requirments to get a Visa to the US printed on the reverse) with basic groups of the requirments, with tick boxes alongside.
Like all those on here My Wife and I worked and worried like crazy to sort all the paperwork out. I had doubts when i was rushing to sort the paperwork out if i should bother with all the extra typing, proof checking etc. But im so glad i burned the midnight oil as it saved my wife from having to go though the nerve racking experience of an Interview at the Embassy.
The main piece of advice i want to offer to others treading the same path as us. Is to make sure you treat the Visa Application as importantly as you can. The Ceo and the office staff who sort the paperwork want an easy life im sure, so if you put all the paperwork on a plate it is going to help.
Make sure all the Paperwork is easy to find and all indexed so the CEO can find easily. Make sure its neat and put together with loving care. Treat the Folder as you would your Loved One. Those of you who have handled CV's or tenders from sales people should all to well know that the ones well put together and easy/enjoyable to read are far more likely to make the reader pay more attention to whats inside them than one poorly put together.
But it goes without saying that the content matters as well. But as Pete has written before a CEO has to review the facts and also make a "judgement" about if they think the Couple are really in love or not. A shoddy, hastily made up Folder of edvidence could make them inclined to think that the couple don't really care about one another.
Well i think i have ramabled enough all ready. So i will just wish you good luck in your Application
Thank you so much for this sharing! It helps a lot too! Merry Christmas!!!