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  1. #1
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    You must have one room at least 50ft square? That cant be right?


  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Dec 18 2005, 11:28 AM
    You must have one room at least 50ft square? That cant be right?

    Sorry meant 50 square Feet which i thought bloody hell thats big. But it works out to quite a small area, i think off the top of my head it is about the size of a small "Box" bedroom in an average british house.

    Quote below from one of the Home office website to ensure you and your wife are not in overcrowded accomdation the below describes the requirments

    "Account is only taken of rooms with a floor area larger that 50 sq feet and rooms of a type used either as a living-room or bedroom; kitchens or bathrooms etc are not included."

    Due to living and owning a propety in London i can only afford a small flat thats why i wanted to ensure the CEO knew my Flat was perfectly within the regulations, and not "need more Information".

    Seemed to work as even with the Embassy canceling My wifes Interview and pickup of paperwork at the last moment due to a policy change. Throwing both of our lives into total Chaos for a few days. We ended up with my wifes Visa about 5 days before her Interview was supose to be due

    But now i realise the toughest part of is still to come, sorting out my wifes Bank Account, College,national insurance,doctors,dentist and finding her work etc. All this while the wifes comes to terms with the lovely weather we have at this time of year.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Dec 18 2005, 08:39 PM
    Sorry meant 50 square Feet which i thought bloody hell thats big. But it works out to quite a small area, i think off the top of my head it is about the size of a small "Box" bedroom in an average british house.

    Quote below from one of the Home office website to ensure you and your wife are not in overcrowded accomdation the below describes the requirments

    I still live with my folks(dont laugh :P) but we'll have two bed rooms, one of which will be our tv/living room, it's small though, as is my bedroom, more worries!!!!!! :blink:

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Dec 19 2005, 01:16 PM
    I still live with my folks(dont laugh :P) but we'll have two bed rooms, one of which will be our tv/living room, it's small though, as is my bedroom, more worries!!!!!! :blink:
    Well im sure at least one of those rooms is over the size, im sure your Dad has either the plans or a rough idea of the size of the rooms. If not two mintues with the tape measure should reasure you.

    10 feet by 5 feet =50 sq ft
    3.048 metres by 1.524 metres = 4.65 m sq

    Which is not a big area at all.

    letting the embassy know you have two rooms and showing they are exclusively for you both even if both of them were under the size mentioned would most likely be ok. If the rooms join onto one another they would be acting as one room if the door was open/removed i guess

  5. #5
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Dec 19 2005, 09:48 PM
    Well im sure at least one of those rooms is over the size, im sure your Dad has either the plans or a rough idea of the size of the rooms. If not two mintues with the tape measure should reasure you.
    10 feet by 5 feet =50 sq ft
    3.048 metres by 1.524 metres = 4.65 m sq

    Which is not a big area at all.

    Phew, it's bigger than that, no prob! .

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by manila bound@Dec 19 2005, 10:53 PM
    Phew, it's bigger than that, no prob! .

    See no need to worry

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