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Thread: Babies with jet lag

  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Babies with jet lag

    Just wondering do babies who have been travelling through different time zones adjust themselves back to normal sleeping patterns.

    My wife and son came back from the Phils yesterday morning and he slept all day also from 2pm today and is still in bed.

    But the night time he is waking about 11pm ie: 6am Phils time so he is still on their time, would just like to ask advice from those that have been in similar situations and how it worked out cheers guys...

  2. #2
    Respected Member DaveyWallis's Avatar
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    Yes they do eventually but the whole infant jet-lag experience is a living hell.

    We took our boy out to the Phils at 5 months and again at 20 months.

    It was much worse going out than coming back when it seemed to take forever for him to come to terms with the change in time zones. He was wide awake at 3 am and when you, as parents, are trying to deal with your own jet-lag the emotional and mental drain is beyond description.

    I would take him out for walks in his stroller in the vain hope of getting him to go back to sleep. Grace went absolutely mad at me for 'putting both of our lives at risk'.

    Thank God for mother-in-law as she had him for several nights to let us catch up on our own sleep.

    On the return he took a few days to get back into his normal routine but it was the routine that helped. That and his child-minder.

    I sincerely wish you the very best with dealing with this.

    Goodness knows why we're putting ourselves through it again in a few months.

  3. #3
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    Our son travelled at 14 months and I'm sure he never got over it lol. Don't worry sleep deprivation is good for you seriously just like all of us they settle in a few days good luck

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy n Grasya View Post
    Yes they do eventually but the whole infant jet-lag experience is a living hell.

    We took our boy out to the Phils at 5 months and again at 20 months.

    It was much worse going out than coming back when it seemed to take forever for him to come to terms with the change in time zones. He was wide awake at 3 am and when you, as parents, are trying to deal with your own jet-lag the emotional and mental drain is beyond description.

    I would take him out for walks in his stroller in the vain hope of getting him to go back to sleep. Grace went absolutely mad at me for 'putting both of our lives at risk'.

    Thank God for mother-in-law as she had him for several nights to let us catch up on our own sleep.

    On the return he took a few days to get back into his normal routine but it was the routine that helped. That and his child-minder.

    I sincerely wish you the very best with dealing with this.

    Goodness knows why we're putting ourselves through it again in a few months.
    Your reply certainly made me smile thanks Andy n Grasya for your input.

  5. #5
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoholoX View Post
    Our son travelled at 14 months and I'm sure he never got over it lol. Don't worry sleep deprivation is good for you seriously just like all of us they settle in a few days good luck
    Thanks BoholoX

  6. #6
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    we took our son when he was 10 weeks old to cebu and he didn't have a problem, we took him again when he was 7 months old and again no issues.. when we went back again when he was 17 months, adjusted alright. `Though the first time we took him, when we came back here in the UK he didn't have any bowel movements for days...
    Life as we make it

  7. #7
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    We took our son when he was 10 months. He seemed to adjust to the jet lag better than we did! We'll be taking a 9 month old this Christmas, so hopefully he'll cope with it just as well.

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