Hi my friends,

I am planning to move to Phils at a later date to be with my girlfriend of three years. We plan to set up a life together.

I am retired and will be living off my Irish pensions which I hope will be enough to get by on.

My dream is to live near the sea or in an area where there is plenty of activity without living in the middle of a big city. Hopefully with a few ex-pats around.

My lovely girlfriend is much younger than me and her ambition is to achieve a nursing degree. I support this for her own benefit so that she has a skill.

We have yet to agree on how we will arrange our lives around both ambitions. I don't want to be a home alone retiree. I have that **** here in Ireland and I hate it. Retired and living alone. Especially with Irish weather.

However my question is.

1. Is there anyone here who could recommend good Nursing colleges with high pass rates and where are they located.
2. How much does it cost per annum for the college
3. Is Nursing school full time per day for 7 days a week. Or is the day broken into different classes and free weekends
4 Is there holiday periods where the college year closes and how is that normally
5, Is 4 years the usual length of a degree course
6. Would my girlfriend have to live in as a student

Again any advice would be extremely welcome.

This is a great site.
