"Ian, - if you are just looking for a mail-order-bride this is not the place."
Thanks for that. I lived and worked in Thailand from 1988 to 1990. From 1990 to 2002 I was married to a Thai lady and my subsequent relationship with another Thai has recently irrevocably broken up. I speak reasonable Thai and am an addict of Thai food and culture. While married I helped my wife to get a good job, learn English, learn to drive, and I now pay her a fortune in maintenance. I spent many a happy week in her rice farming village, and I'm proud of what she has become. Similarly, my second partner now has a very good job and a good life here (not to mention another boyfriend . . . ). Thats 19 years of living and breathing Thai culture. . . . so I'm a bit beyond the mail order bride stage now!
Which begs the question: why am I particularly thinking of a filipino lady. A question I have thought long and hard about. The fact is that after so many years, I like Asian women. I like their looks and I like their sparkle and vigour. I have no stupid misconceptions about them being meek or compliant - I prefer feisty. I'm 47. I've been on dating websites for 6 months and met plenty of nice ladies I would happily be mates with, but none that had that spark. Maybe I'm addicted, or too long gone? A Thai lady might also fit the bill, and I like the anglo Thai community. But, as I've said, I've got filipino friends and I happen to like them.
Sorry if this is boringly open, and I kind of expected the question so no offence taken!