Take your time guys...

Don't mention the love or marriage words just yet, wait for when you actually take the plunge and give your credit cards a bit of exercising with flight tickets and suchlike....

Meet the ladies in question, the families, etc..
Don't be too eager to jump into bed, respect goes a long way
Don't get put off if they already have a child, give them a fair chance.
If you don't want to take the kids on... Then you have no business in starting a relationship with the mother.
If you are destined to be together that first meeting will tell you everything.
Be ready for a long distance relationship, the hardships that it brings, the heartache, the various expenses associated with communication of any sort, the misunderstandings between each other.
I could go on forever....

But above all, be specific and above board, they love sincerity, don't lead them up the garden path....

Pinays are a breed apart, the warmest, friendliest, and trusting of all females of the species and also the most beautiful and alluring... They are for life.

I ain't finished yet, but Jet is looking over my shoulders....