Thanks, all good advice. When I married my first wife, who was Thai, she was terrified of telling me that she had a daughter, even though it was obvious to me. After 6 months or so she flet freer to tell me and the daughter came to live with us in Bangkok, and eventually to England 17 years ago. She now has her own little daughter and is to all intents and purposes fully settled here. But she always remembers she is Thai, and we are all proud of that.
Strangely, I found out after I left Thailand that another youngster who my wife said was her sister was actually her daughter! By the time I found out she was too old to come to the UK, and I always felt very sad and bitter on her behalf.
When I divorced my wife I took my responsibilities seriously and I am still paying her a huge amount of maintenance every week. I brought her here and I have no intention of abandoning her.
So, hopefully you can see I am not the sort of guy to lead anyone up the garden path. As for the love word - your advice is well received but too late!