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  1. #1
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    Employers Questions

    As I'm moving back to the UK with my family I have managed to secure a job back home. They are asking me what questions the UKBA will be asking and how will they be contacting them?

    Any ideas?



  2. #2
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Who will be contacting who?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Who will be contacting who?
    Well I assume that UKBA will be contacting them to check to make sure the job offer is legit. Obviously I need to make the minimum earning requirement, this offer is for a gross annual salary of 25,000 GBP. So I assume that will be met through this job.



  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Dan, if you use the search button you will find the answers to questions posted by members.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Dan, if you use the search button you will find the answers to questions posted by members.
    Hi Jake,

    I have already used the search and I couldn't find the answer I was looking for. I dont even know who will be contacting my future workplace, UKBA? an ECO? Because of this I am not sure what to search for within the forum which is why I asked the question.


  6. #6
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    A letter from them stating the job title, what the salary is (particularly the basic guaranteed element) and that the position is considered to be PERMANENT, will be a good start. Make sure they include your name and address in the letter.

    I also suggest you do a search on here to see what other members have done recently in a similar situation.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    A letter from them stating the job title, what the salary is (particularly the basic guaranteed element) and that the position is considered to be PERMANENT, will be a good start. Make sure they include your name and address in the letter.

    I also suggest you do a search on here to see what other members have done recently in a similar situation.
    I already have a letter of job offer which confirms full time employment with job title and salary which is seven thousand over the the requirements.

    I can also supply one years worth of payslips from my current job along with a certificate of employment, again my current salary is over the UKBA requirement. My concern is I do not hold a bank account here in the Philippines as I get paid in cash from work, again my certificate of employment confirms I get paid cash.

    I'm really just trying to inform my new employer as to how they will be contacted and what information they should be prepared to submit or answer.

    Many thanks.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitrox View Post
    I already have a letter of job offer which confirms full time employment with job title and salary which is seven thousand over the the requirements.

    I can also supply one years worth of payslips from my current job along with a certificate of employment, again my current salary is over the UKBA requirement. My concern is I do not hold a bank account here in the Philippines as I get paid in cash from work, again my certificate of employment confirms I get paid cash.

    I'm really just trying to inform my new employer as to how they will be contacted and what information they should be prepared to submit or answer.

    Many thanks.
    As you already know, firstly you must be in employment at the date of application and have been with the same employer for at least 6 months prior to that date of application.
    You must have been paid throughout that period of 6 months at a level of gross annual salary or income which equals or exceeds the level relied upon in the application.

    Secondly, you must already have a confirmed offer of employment in the UK, starting within 3 months of your return.
    This employment must have a gross annual starting salary (or gross non-salaried income as calculated as an annualised average on the basis of the evidence provided by the employer) sufficient to meet the financial requirement.

    UKBA may or may not contact your employers (previous and future). It's really their call.
    Any contact by UKBA will ONLY focus on confirmation and validity of the employment offer and terms and conditions.

    The written new job offer is part of the application documentary evidence. You do not need to inform or prepare your future employer.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    As you already know, firstly you must be in employment at the date of application and have been with the same employer for at least 6 months prior to that date of application.
    You must have been paid throughout that period of 6 months at a level of gross annual salary or income which equals or exceeds the level relied upon in the application.

    Secondly, you must already have a confirmed offer of employment in the UK, starting within 3 months of your return.
    This employment must have a gross annual starting salary (or gross non-salaried income as calculated as an annualised average on the basis of the evidence provided by the employer) sufficient to meet the financial requirement.

    UKBA may or may not contact your employers (previous and future). It's really their call.
    Any contact by UKBA will ONLY focus on confirmation and validity of the employment offer and terms and conditions.

    The written new job offer is part of the application documentary evidence. You do not need to inform or prepare your future employer.
    Thanks Terpe, this is exactly the answer I was looking for!

  10. #10
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    Well, I can't give you up to date requirements, or at least no more than you can find for yourself by looking at the proper government website, and the notes that they provide.

    When I brought my stepchildren back from the Phils, for settlement (wife already had hers), I was in a similar position to yourself.

    I came back to the UK and started working at the new job that I'd been offered and also found us suitable accommodation. THEN when I could prove that these (sponsor) requirements could be satisfied, the visas were processed successfully a few weeks later and the whole family joined me in the home that I had been able to prepare here for them.

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