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Thread: Double registration of Birth Certificate

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Double registration of Birth Certificate

    Hello all. Im still really confuse about my birth certificate with double registration..My 1st registration was appeared first when i tried to request a copy of my live birth at NSO unfortunately the birthmonth and the birthyear appeared May 16, 1988 instead of July 16, 1982 which is my correct and true birthday and also to all my supporting docs like baptismal, school record / form 137, and also to my passport and all identification card.

    I requested again for the second time after a few years then i discovered my second registration of my birth certificate which indicate my correct birthday which is July 16, 1982..after that we advice to file a petition for cancellation of my first registration. after having finality my first registration was annotated with remarks of cancellation or deleted from the files. but after i read some legal advice and read the information about the double registration i am already confuse and realized that I think we did something wrong about cancelling the first one.

    What we did is my first registration has been cancelled and deleted from the files not the second one. What will happen about this is there any here something like mine??Do i have to stick what we did or do i have to file a petition again? Im really confuse..Please help me share your opinion about my case..

  2. #2
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Was the petition done through an attorney?

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Yes. and the decision rendered by the judge of the Regional Trial Court Malolos Bulacan. The petitioner is my mother.The petition applied like this IN THE MATTER OF CANCELLATION OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE this is the first registration of Birth certificate which is May 16, 1988 the one has a lot of errors.

    My only concern is instead of cancelling the first registration of my birth cert the petition supposedly CORRECTION OF ENTRY or correction of errors not cancellation or deletion is this so?? Im really confused. I have already the docs here my decision, finality, certificate of registration and birth certificate with and without annotation.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Have you recently applied for an NSO?

    Does it have remarks at the bottom of the certificate?

    My wife had a similar problem and there are now notes at the bottom of the certificate. They did not change the date on the actual certificate.

    Pursuant to the decision dated ....... rendered by presiding judge .... of the regional trial court ... , under SP PROC ..., the date of birth is hereby changed from .....

    Why did you join a Filipino/British forum when you are planning to go to Japan.

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Yes. It has already a remarks and already annotated on my birth certificate like you posted above. Anyway thank you for your respond about my case..

    [B]Why did you join a Filipino/British forum when you are planning to go to Japan.

    Im just trying to meet and have friends here..I have a british friend here in manila and he is very kind to me but we dont see each other any longer because I got busy this few months..i remember he mentioned this forum before but not so sure accidentally I found this forum and I am badly need to chat someone here in forum thats why i got registered..

    Do Im not supposed to be here? anyway its okay if I got the wrong forum..Thanks anyway

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