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Thread: How can I get proof that my Filipina wife had our marriage annulled?

  1. #1
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    Question How can I get proof that my Filipina wife had our marriage annulled?

    Hi All,

    I have been separated 3 years and was just told by a long-distance mutual friend that my Filipina wife had completed the annulment of our marriage last year. How can I get proof if this is true? Until now I only knew that she had tried to start the process, and I was never given any notice to defend myself if I wished. My ex ignores my emails and is uncooperative.

    I know how to get online from the NSO my Marriage Certificate and CERNOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) which may or may not (yet) be annotated with a statement that the marriage was anulled. If I want to remarry I still think I need a certified copy of the annulment decree by the court. How can I get it without going to the Philippines to get it personally? The Court would have been in Davao City but I can't find any website for it.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    You can get a copy of Marriage certificate at NSO. In your Marriage certificate they will indicate the Regional Trial Court, Judge, where and when your ex filed it(the details are all there, normally the annotation/remarks is at the side of your Marriage Certificate). You can request a certified copy of the annulment decree by the court from the Regional Trial court where your ex filed it and pay the fee.

    Sad to say, you can only do this in person.(Try to contact the Regional Trial Court where your ex filed it.And ask them if you could issue authorization letter to a friend and get it for you., As Normally they ask for Identification.

    Hope this help. Goodluck!

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Ah that helps. I'll wait the 6 to 8 weeks for the certificate to get here from the NSO, and then if it was annotated I will decide about a sidetrip to the Philippines on my next visit to Asia or else try and get a trusted acquaintance to get it for me.


  4. #4
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    Hi there wishtobefree, welcome here

    What nationality are you?

    May I ask why you did not consider following the divorce route in your own country?

    Just curious really.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the welcome Moderator Terpe.

    I am dual citizen British and Canadian living in Canada.

    I typed out a long answer to your question on why not go the divorce route, but decided it was too detailed for a public forum. The short answer is I had promised her parents that I would never divorce their daughter, and was clearly told by the Priest in our talks beforehand that divorce is not acceptable, so I decided to take the honourable route as much as possible which was letting the ex do the deed and pay for it.

  6. #6
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    Good news. A friend of my ex persuaded her to contact me today and she said in a short message she would mail me the documents. Hopefully I will get them in a month or two and not too much procrastinating and delaying tactics.

  7. #7
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    Ah, I ran into a red tape problem. The Marriage Certificate that I ordered online was the "uncorrected" version so there was no annotation. To be able to order it online I have to already have the "corrected" MC which has the annotation, and then scan it and email it to NSO so that they can send me a new one which of course should be the same as the one I scanned and emailed them.

    Strange rules. You must have already received a corrected version before you can order a corrected version, but I want a corrected version for the first time.

    My ex did send me a xerox copy last week of an annotated MC with an NSO stamp at top left but not on the right where the annotation goes all the way down the right edge. I will scan and email this one to NSO and hope they confirm it is legitimate and then send me my own one for the $20.00 fee.

    The reason I need my own version directly from NSO with a current date is because the judge named on the annotation has been disbarred for doing quickie annulments, and I want to be super-sure that our annulment is still valid. Comments?

  8. #8
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hmmm, I sent a post to the end of this thread almost a week ago and still it has not been approved by the moderator.

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wishtobefree View Post
    Hmmm, I sent a post to the end of this thread almost a week ago and still it has not been approved by the moderator.
    Not sure why it was missed, it is there now
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