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Thread: fiance visa requirements

  1. #1
    Respected Member sweetlove's Avatar
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    fiance visa requirements

    hi everyone I am new here!

    could I ask something about fiancé visa what documents my fiancé need to get... "evidence that you intend to marry or register your civil partnership within a reasonable time (usually 6 months)"

    Thank you so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As a first step please take some time to review this forum thread - All New Guide - How to apply for a Fiance Visa

    Do follow all those UKBA links.

    It's then much easier to ask specific questions that you need clarification about.

    Concerning your questions about intention to marry etc, It's actually impossible to prove an intention, and likewise no concrete evidence can be provided. Even receipts for a wedding dress and ring do not prove an intention.

    UKBA don't say much about this but anyway for completeness here's what they do say - What evidence is required of marriage arrangements?

    At first sight it appears that it's not at all helpful. In a way that's deliberate.

    To be honest it's very closely connected to the relationship itself and if the ECO believes it's genuine and subsisting

    If they believe the relationship is genuine then they usually believe a marriage will take place.

    Of itself, any kind booking at a Register Office or church is not proof that a marriage will take place.

    However the ECO can reasonably expect that couple will have made some tentative plans for the wedding.
    Any evidence at all, however small, that's available to show that wedding arrangements have been discussed / shared or are in hand will help in this respect.

    Think about including any facebook messages, e-mails or texts that specifically refer to wedding plans:-

    - Where and when
    - Rings, dress, cake, catering, reception
    - Guests, invitations
    - Any quotations relating to wedding arrangements (just demonstrates that the couple have some intention)

    Also try to establish a communication chain between you and the registry office inquiring about setting a wedding date.
    Give them when you intend to get married and they will tell you that you both physically have to be there to set a date.
    Reply back for instructions and info and they will email you back a price list and what you have to do. Could all be done by e-mail

    Hope this gives some ideas for you on this issue.

  3. #3
    Respected Member DaveW's Avatar
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    I applied a fiance visa back in 2010. My then fiance was in Samar and i was in london. i used a lawyer here to make the application, i provided all what was required like bank statements and payslips also evidence of us knowing each other. we had alot of photos. When she took the forms to the visa centre they told her that they was not the correct visa form and made her fill out the right form in half an hour. It was a total disaster the lawyer got alot of info wrong, but amazingly they still granted the visa and posted her passport back to her about 4 weeks later.

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