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Thread: 'Lola Techie' urges senior citizens to be IT savvy

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    Lightbulb 'Lola Techie' urges senior citizens to be IT savvy

    [I]TV Personality Tessie "Lola Techie" Moreno gave a motivational talk to an audience of senior citizens gathered at the DOST ICT Office on how to improve their lives with the use of Information and Communications Technology[IMG]

    Local television personality Tessie "Lola Techie" Moreno is urging senior citizens to use information technology to spread their "elderly wisdom" especially among the young.

    The Information and Communications Technology Office of the DOST (DOST-ICTO) has tapped Moreno to give talks to senior citizens in various barangays in Quezon City as part of the celebration of the national ICT Month 2013 with the theme "Inclusive ICT for a Smarter Philippines".

    As part of its program, the DOST-ICTO through the National Computer Institute (NCI) is conducting basic computer literacy courses specifically designed for senior citizens. The program is focused on communication tools particularly social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.

    Moreno, a 71-year-old grandmother, known for her role as a computer-savvy lola in a series of television commercials and viral videos with local telecom operator Bayantel, told the elderly on how they can improve their lives using IT as she shared her real life experiences in learning how to use technology, and how it has made her to be more productive despite learning how to use it at an advanced age.

    In her talk, Moreno said that there is a next generation of the elderly who are catching up in the use of ICT.

    "ICT can open up opportunities to enable us to use our collective elderly wisdom to contribute once more to society," Moreno said. "Through ICT, we can warn the new generation not to commit the same mistakes again as we did in our time, offer some solutions by actually showing them how, through our loving example, and advocate for reforms through social media, blogging and email campaigns."

    For Lola Techie, the availability of "Skype" breaks the barrier of distance in talking face-to-face with her children and grandchildren.

    Yet Google helps her in doing important researches. While Facebook and other social networking services like Twitter, Plurk and Multiply keep her connected with the digital world.

    According to DOST-ICTO Undersecretary Louis Napoleon Casambre, by empowering the members of the society, ICT as a true enabler has given Filipinos the tools to realize their dreams and has helped them achieve financial independence.


  2. #2
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    Go show em Lola Techie

    More power

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I follow her on Facebook.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  4. #4
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    MORE people fixated on bloody mobile phones ?

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I wish someone would stand over me and show me what to do because there are lots of things I don't know how to work on this forum eg: How to do a heading to start a thread and how to change our profile picture!

  6. #6
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    I wish someone would stand over me and show me what to do because there are lots of things I don't know how to work on this forum eg: How to do a heading to start a thread and how to change our profile picture!
    To start a thread:
    1. Go to the forum categories.
    2. At the top of the page, click "Post New Thread".


    To edit photo/avatar:
    1. Cick "Settings" on the top right corner of the page.


    2. Then, click "Edit Profile Photo" (photo shown in your profile page) or "Edit Avatar" (photo shown on your posts).

    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    I wish someone would stand over me and show me what to do because there are lots of things I don't know how to work on this forum eg: How to do a heading to start a thread and how to change our profile picture!
    How to change profile picture Michael (or avatar...the one showing on the forum threads).

    Go to right hand corner of this page. Click.

    On the page it opens, look down the left hand side.

    Click on change profile picture (or avatar, whichever you want to change)

    If you want to use a picture on your PC....go to 'browse'.

    Open files until you find the picture you want. Sometimes it's easier to have already copied and pasted the picture to 'desktop', so you don't have to rummage around for it at this stage.

    The board has restrictions on size of pics, so if it tells you the picture is too big, you're going to have to re-size it first on a picture editing programme.
    I use 'Irfanview' (free download, small and simple) you can also use the editing programme to crop the picture before saving and uploading to here.

    When editing pictures, always copy and paste to somewhere like desktop first, so you keep the original safe.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Thankyou so much for trying to help me both Rayna & Graham, the problem is the picture size I think, also when you mention paste I have no idea what the meaning is other than the connection with wallpaper. Please forgive me but I don't know the meaning of download or upload yet and have had computers since 1994. Don't mean to be difficult but don't know what the keys are for and the pictures on them mean. To be honest I'm terrified to press anything because if something came up I didn't understand I wouldn't know what to do or how to get rid of it. Hope I have managed to throw some light on my lack of computer knowledge, but I think my problem is that when I'm successful with something on the computer I can't remember how I did it in the first place!

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    To copy something (and then transfer it PASTE it... somewhere else) you just need the right click function. Copying still leaves the old file in its original location, so you won't lose it.

    The profile page box on here is what you use to UPLOAD your pic . It does it for you, after you press the 'browse' button and have selected (left click) the picture file you wish to upload.

    Play about with stuff. Experiment with the right click menu box. Your computer won't come to any harm, and you're unlikely to lose anything ...another reason why it's a good idea to store copies of pics in different places on your computer.

    After you have changed your picture on here, remember to go to the bottom of the settings page and click SAVE CHANGES.

    If the picture you want to put on your profile is too big (more than 56kb, which you can check by right-clicking on the pic and selecting properties), or then you'll need to make it smaller.

    To DOWNLOAD (from the internet) the simple picture editing/resizing programme, just type 'Irfanview free download' into your google search box, or whichever search engine you're using, and then press the download button on the website that you've chosen from the search results list. It will normally send the programme file to your desktop or 'my documents'.

    Open the file up on your computer and follow the instructions to install it. It does it all for you and takes only a couple of minutes.

    You then use Irfanview to open your picture, go to 'image' on the top line of the page, and choose 'resize/resample' from the dropdown menu. Then select the size you want, and save it.

    Anything you're not sure about....come back here and ask !

    With a bit of practice, you can select a picture, crop and resize it, and have it on here in a couple of this old bloke does.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Thanks Graham, I will try and follow what you say, will let you know how I get on after I've played around with a few things. Thanks also Rayna I've got the gist of what you said!

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post

    when you mention paste I have no idea what the meaning is other than the connection with wallpaper.
    Hmm ... 's the first connection that springs to my mind also, Michael. I just wish the "techies" would resort to proper English, INSTEAD of using computer jargon!

  12. #12
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    Well, it's always good to have a skill to fall back on in hard times Arthur.


  13. #13
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Hmm ... 's the first connection that springs to my mind also, Michael. I just wish the "techies" would resort to proper English, INSTEAD of using computer jargon!
    Yes your right Arthur, I find many new words are used and I don't understand the meanings at all. The words that I do manage to decipher could after all be made more simple using words that you and I were taught at school!

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    The words that I do manage to decipher could after all be made more simple using words that you and I were taught at school!
    Michael. "Cut & Paste", for example, is the:

    "Cut-off" point for ME ...

    ... thereafter, I get "stuck"!

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I do wonder if someone like age concern or which have done a survey on how costly it could be for a household with no Internet access and of course the basic skills and knowledge to use.

    Simply getting the best deal on services, or products plus saving money when contacting companies instead of using 0845 numbers etc can be quite considerable plus the time taken.

    I have had to complain about issues which if i had to pay postage would of cost quite a bit compared to nowt using email. Plus the time taken both to commit to the issue and get resolved can be far less.

    The time taken avoid traffic jams or not waiting for public transport.

    So many examples of where money, time and resources are saved as we all know from a resource like this.

    I think one of the best examples now a days you will rarely see train platforms or bus stops full of people waiting untill mintues before the arrival of the vehicle apart from older people..

  16. #16
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I think Age Concern do have classes/programs for old people on how to use the computer/internet and such. I know this because I applied to be a volunteer to teach them through Volunteering Wales (but I didn't get a call back after I sent them my application and I never did follow up coz I didn't expect that time that my FLR(M) would take 10 months ). I'm not really sure if it's across UK though.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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