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Thread: Job application in uk. Help!?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Job application in uk. Help!?

    Hi! this is my first time here..I applied via online to Shell Oil and Gas in London and they send me an an online application form to fill up. After accomplishing the said form, they then replied to me via email with attached Interview form. Again after accomplishing the interview form, they replied to me via email that i'm hired already and need to sign the working contract attached to the mail and return it back to them.

    They informed me further that they are going to shoulder the expenses for my visa and flight ticket as well. But i'm going to shoulder the expenses for my working permit. They are asking 550GBP equivalent to 37,00Php for the processing of the Work Permit. They gave me the name of the agency that would help me process my documents. Guys, do u think this is legit? I was not even interviewed by the employer on any other means of communication. I need your advice/opinion on this. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Ken ... DON'T "touch it with a barge pole" ... it's a SCAM!

  3. #3
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    No respectable employer here (and certainly not Shell) asks a job applicant for money. EVER.


    Report the scammers. They are SCUM.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    where did you see the job advertised ? what type of job is it - skilled worker?

    i doubt its real, not many companies can or will offer someone a job without an interview and depending on the skill level they probably have little chance of getting you a visa

  5. #5
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    As others have said....this IS A SCAM just to take your money.

    No employer can process your work permit PERIOD

    Please read the UKBA website called Working in the UK Working in the UK
    (just click the above link)

    They (the employer) are legally obliged to give you the certificate of sponsorship unique reference number.
    This is the absolutely key data when UKBA decide to grant a working permit.
    The certificate of sponsorship has information about the job, the salary, it's permissions for non-EEA issue and your personal details.

    Why not ask them for this unique ID number and see what happens.
    If they supply a reference number you may very easily verify this with UKBA.

    Without this data you will NEVER have a work period.

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    plus tell all your friends the same thing if anyone asks for a fee then the job does,nt exist and is a SCAM

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks a lot sir!

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