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Thread: How long can I stay in the Philippines?

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    well there are good and bad things where ever you decide to live in all countries .one of my own concerns here is the language ive not been able to learn very much but it can be a lonely place when you can,t understand what the locals are saying,I can,t go out much on my own without g f in tow because shes worried over my safety which is another issue ,back home I can go anywhere I like and talk freely to anyone no problem .health is always an issue too you need to be pretty close to a hospital here or you may never survive any kind of emergency ,the ambulances have very little in the way of life saving equitment in them very basic stuff indeed I even saw a multicab being used as an ambulance last week I wish I had my camera or people would,nt believe you.crime is another thing here although you get crime every country when its a 3rd world country its much worse if its not tied down here it will get stolen every house has grills on the windows and nearly all households have dogs as deterrents .The list could go on but it is important to tell people that its not always paradise when you come to these places you have to make your own minds up first come and try it to see if its what you really want.I am glad I did,nt sell up completely and cut all ties at least ive got the choice to come and go should I get bored in the u.k again .my gf is 40 and wants to work so I will bring her and let her see that the u.k is,nt all that good either lol if she wants to stay in u.k then thats where we will stay .
    Maybe if you lived in Manila/Makati things would be better for you

    Less dogs - less bugs - better medical care - western food - better security - English speakers

    Most decent supermarkets stock a lot of western food but maybe not in the province

    Most of what you have stated is enough to put me off living in some province

    Constant barking dogs annoys me and it would only be a matter of time for me to fall out with the neighbours over their dog disturbing my relaxation

    As for food bread can be purchased in most stores along with eggs and bacon

    Buy some bread and invest in a new toaster

    Surely your gf wont mind making you a sandwhich every now and then

    The UK has been taken over by eastern Europeans anyway so look forward to that on your return

  2. #32
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Maybe if you lived in Manila/Makati things would be better for you

    Less dogs - less bugs - better medical care - western food - better security - English speakers

    Most decent supermarkets stock a lot of western food but maybe not in the province

    Most of what you have stated is enough to put me off living in some province

    Constant barking dogs annoys me and it would only be a matter of time for me to fall out with the neighbours over their dog disturbing my relaxation

    As for food bread can be purchased in most stores along with eggs and bacon

    Buy some bread and invest in a new toaster

    Surely your gf wont mind making you a sandwhich every now and then

    The UK has been taken over by eastern Europeans anyway so look forward to that on your return
    well I don,t live in manila so my experience will be very different to yours I guess .You have just reminded me of a few more dislikes lol yes barking dogs ,and roosters who,s body clocks are all out of sink now try telling your neighbour his beloved rooster is keeping you awake you most likely get a bullit in the head they love their roosters sometimes more than their wives lol .bacolod city is not a province but I live about 12 miles on the outskirts I have,nt even got an ATM nearby got to go downtown.anyway its my view that with the right woman (my g f ) i,ll be happier in the u.k

  3. #33
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Hi Tiger, no I won't let you be the only one to voice your opinion. Yes all the things you mention are correct, the things I would like to mention are more cultural, for example, visitors, time, lack of responsibility, noise, ect. With reference to visitors, I had a shock within the first couple of days of living in Dumaguete, one of my wife's friends sent a text telling her that she would come round to visit us after lunch and when Maritess told me I asked what time is she coming and she replied after lunch. The so called friend who Maritess had not seen for years turned up late at night with two other girls (who my wife did not know) they expected to be fed and sleep overnight because they were catching a plane next morning from Dumaguete to get a connection at Cebu to Singapore to work there and we've never heard from that friend again. Now to me that is very bad manners and also they could have got a bus from Dumaguete to Cebu for p200 that afternoon. I would never dream of going to someone's home and taking advantage of them without at least making some prior arrangement by asking first. But I've been told since, it's Philippine culture. I will give another report in a few days and tell you things bit by bit!

  4. #34
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Hi Tiger, no I won't let you be the only one to voice your opinion. Yes all the things you mention are correct, the things I would like to mention are more cultural, for example, visitors, time, lack of responsibility, noise, ect. With reference to visitors, I had a shock within the first couple of days of living in Dumaguete, one of my wife's friends sent a text telling her that she would come round to visit us after lunch and when Maritess told me I asked what time is she coming and she replied after lunch. The so called friend who Maritess had not seen for years turned up late at night with two other girls (who my wife did not know) they expected to be fed and sleep overnight because they were catching a plane next morning from Dumaguete to get a connection at Cebu to Singapore to work there and we've never heard from that friend again. Now to me that is very bad manners and also they could have got a bus from Dumaguete to Cebu for p200 that afternoon. I would never dream of going to someone's home and taking advantage of them without at least making some prior arrangement by asking first. But I've been told since, it's Philippine culture. I will give another report in a few days and tell you things bit by bit!
    lol ah yes the time thing glad you brought that up also well being an ex milatary you can imagine how much this gets my blood boiling your right when they say they will come at a certain time forget it ,they will turn up when it suits them not you lol also if you want something done in a hurry forget that too lol never start an argument that can be fatal here life is very cheap here.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Hi Tiger, no I won't let you be the only one to voice your opinion. Yes all the things you mention are correct, the things I would like to mention are more cultural, for example, visitors, time, lack of responsibility, noise, ect. With reference to visitors, I had a shock within the first couple of days of living in Dumaguete, one of my wife's friends sent a text telling her that she would come round to visit us after lunch and when Maritess told me I asked what time is she coming and she replied after lunch. The so called friend who Maritess had not seen for years turned up late at night with two other girls (who my wife did not know) they expected to be fed and sleep overnight because they were catching a plane next morning from Dumaguete to get a connection at Cebu to Singapore to work there and we've never heard from that friend again. Now to me that is very bad manners and also they could have got a bus from Dumaguete to Cebu for p200 that afternoon. I would never dream of going to someone's home and taking advantage of them without at least making some prior arrangement by asking first. But I've been told since, it's Philippine culture. I will give another report in a few days and tell you things bit by bit!
    Well it might have been put down to "philippine culture" but from where i come from we regard it as FREELOADING

    I don't tolerate it at all over there and i am normally one step ahead of them

  6. #36
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    for all you poor souls who have yet to experience this please obtain a gas mask as a matter of urgency when your wife cooks dried fish I have no such item and suffer thsi pungent aroma which wants me to run away from the philippines and never come back lol

  7. #37
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Well it might have been put down to "philippine culture" but from where i come from we regard it as FREELOADING

    I don't tolerate it at all over there and i am normally one step ahead of them
    Yes I nipped it in the bud after the first experience, Maritess family said I was strict, but after a week or two I sensed a lot of respect from them also distant family members, her father was the one to back me up. From then on everything was by appointment only and on time!

  8. #38
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    for all you poor souls who have yet to experience this please obtain a gas mask as a matter of urgency when your wife cooks dried fish I have no such item and suffer thsi pungent aroma which wants me to run away from the philippines and never come back lol

    Lol, so funny... We were talking about dried smelly fish this morning... she asked if I liked it Filipino style, I said I hadn't tried it yet, she said it stinks!

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