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Thread: Need help about flr(m) application...

  1. #1
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Need help about flr(m) application...

    So here I am again wanna ask for your help guys...Got here in Scotland last 27th of June this yr. and got married on the 9th of Sept. me and my husband are planning to apply for my flr(m) this coming nov. and my visa will expire on 17th of Dec.

    My Q's are;

    1.) How to start the application?
    -Am I just going to fill in the flr(m) form and send it along with the docs. that are needed for the application...We're going to apply via post.

    2.) Can someone help me and give me the exact address where to apply in Glasgow?
    -I was told when I pass through the immigration when I arrive in Edinburgh that no need to apply in London coz we can apply now in Glasgow. So I've been searching about the exact address but can't find it. Well, I found an address in Glasgow but am not entirely sure about it.

    3.) How to pay for the application?

    - I hope you can help me with this... I will try to search more in the forum in case am going to find more info about the flr(m) that will help us..
    ----Thank you----
    Love is the sweetest disease ever!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi McGregor,
    If you apply by post, you must send your application to the following address:-

    UK Border Agency
    Leave to Remain - FLR(M)
    PO Box 495
    DH99 1 WR

    If you have the budget and intend to apply in person at one of the PEO's (Public Enquiry Offices)
    You'll need to make an appointment. Click here for details

    The cost is £578 for postal applications and £953 for applications made in person at the PEO.

    In terms of payment, you can pay by:-

    - Cheque
    - Postal Order
    - Credit card
    - Debit card
    - Banker’s draft (payable to Home Office)

    If you want to pay by credit or debit card at a PEO then the cardholder needs to be present.

    All this information (and much more information too) is available on the application form and Guide.

    I would suggest you print out both and take some time to review both.
    Don't be shy to ask any specific question that might concern you.

    Here is the FLR(M) application form
    Here is the FLR(M) Guide

    There are 7 UKBA PEO's in the UK.
    There is one available in Glasgow:-

    Festival Court
    200 Brand Street
    Govan, Glasgow G51 1DH

    Opening Hours:
    09:00 to 15:00, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). Doors close at 15:00, but applications made before this time will be processed on the same day.

  3. #3
    Respected Member McGregor03's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe, thanks for taking time to answer my Q's and for the very helpful info's... Will print the forms today, was reading it and yup, all the info's that I need are all there.. My bad But thank u Terpe for still answering it...

    Love is the sweetest disease ever!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGregor03 View Post
    Hi Terpe, thanks for taking time to answer my Q's and for the very helpful info's... Will print the forms today, was reading it and yup, all the info's that I need are all there.. My bad But thank u Terpe for still answering it...

    Just helping by pointing you in the right direction
    It's my pleasure.

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