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Thread: hello everyone...

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Apr 2013
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    hello everyone...

    hi everyone.... its been a while when I last wrote a post here but I've been reading posts every time I am curious about something in fact I have saved some copies related to my concern. I'll be applying my settlement visa hopefully by November and I knew well this site has been my guide of course reading the UKBA rules but reading it myself I found it too hard to analyze but with this site information on UKBA and its rules are easy to understand. Right at this moment I am waiting for my hubby to arrive here in Manila tom for a visit. My Visa has been very stressful to him and he got sick actually and failed to fly last June 26...We decided to be free from visa thoughts as it gives us esp my husband so much headache. Honestly I am still scared of everything. I salute to those who had passed the trial. I hope one day I will have mine. cheers!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Sometimes it can help your understanding by actually reviewing the application forms, seeing the way the questions are formulated and better understanding how the documents you collect meet the rules.

    I don't know if you've already done this but here are some forms you can download/print out:-

    Personal Details Form (VAF4A JULY 2012) Partner Settlement (spouse visa)

    APPENDIX 2 (VAF 4A JULY 2012) Financial Requirement Form

    Guidance Notes

    Guide to Supporting Documents (outside UK applications)

    Worth the effort and may help you reach your goal with less stress.

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Thanks Terpe and my apology for my late reply, we been bus again with all our papers as we are still waiting for the last bank statement. Will launch my application hopefully 2nd of week april. Thank you for all those link and yes I have all those with me, reading all the time amidst my busy day. I really appreciate your kindness.. cheers

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