How unfortunate that I can’t fully respond to this latest thread. For those who don’t know, I’m visiting my daughter in Switzerland tomorrow ( she’s engaged to be married ) ; also having worked in health services both in UK and Malaysia for 35 years ( not as a " leech-like " GP ) I feel I’m entitled to some time off, now I’m retired.

Other members may have noted my thoughts on the NHS ( Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish … as well as English ).

I am no politician and yet it worries me that politicians from all sides play party politics over the failures of the NHS. Despite this, a majority of the UK population seem to appreciate their treatment under the NHS, and Filipinos look on with envy at what we have. This week’s POSITIVE news ? Much improved survival for testicular cancer ( UK ), and the chance of a vaccine for dengue ( Philippines ) .

It concerns me that the current English Health Minister has publicly stated " the buck stops with me " when he has been in post less than a year, and his " secret hospital visits " – certainly giving him publicity – amount to less time in practical experience than health care assistants have in training. He needn’t worry – he will move on in time for the next election.

How many of us remember the names of the 6 English Health Ministers during the Labour years ( 1997 – 2010 ), the 4 during Conservative years ( 1988 – 1997 ) or even the first during the Coalition year ? They don’t stay in post long enough to gain experience ; see through the policies which their advisers have suggested ; or listen to nurses, doctors and other health care professionals.

The ONLY Health Minister in recent times that I respect is Sam Galbraith, who just happened to be a brilliant doctor and neurosurgeon BEFORE becoming Scottish minister in the 1990’s. Why ? He knew what he was talking about from many YEARS of experience.

My threads and posts on health and health services mostly apply to the ENTIRE UK and the Philippines. I may not have all my facts right, and you may disagree with my opinions – but at least they’re based on experience. I’m sorry any further responses from me will now have to wait until my return from Switzerland.

As always, I wish ALL members good health !