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Thread: Random visa checks at Tube station in ‘racist van’ area

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Random visa checks at Tube station in ‘racist van’ area

    i thought Ukrainians are white

    Immigration officers have been accused of heavy-handed tactics after carrying out random visa checks on Tube passengers in north-west London.

    read more here ..

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    only none white people isn't that racist

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    only none white people isn't that racist
    so how did they arrest the Ukrainian woman then , or am i being racist thinking the majority are White

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    so how did they arrest the Ukrainian woman then , or am i being racist thinking the majority are White
    refering to this ,,,, Sources meanwhile told Political Scrapbook that only non-white people were challenged by the officers.

  5. #5
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    They got 3 grubs so it obviously works, there should be many more of these checks carried out.

  6. #6
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    Who cares who they stopped and why, as long it results in more illegals being thrown out of our country.

    Shutup with the 'racist' nonsense already !

    Anyone with nothing to hide, no chip on their shoulder and without stupid political-correctness sensitivities will show their ID and be on their way.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    These are nothing new. They've been going on for some time and I myself have witnessed them at Tooting Broadway station. Long may they continue.

  8. #8
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    The only people this riles other than the illegals themselves are lefties and immigration supporters

  9. #9
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    Exactly. ...Most of whom in one way or another are also sponging off the rest of society.

  10. #10
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Who cares who they stopped and why, as long it results in more illegals being thrown out of our country.

    Shutup with the 'racist' nonsense already !

    Anyone with nothing to hide, no chip on their shoulder and without stupid political-correctness sensitivities will show their ID and be on their way.
    Since when has it been a requirement for British people to carry ID? If and when my wife gets British citizenship then she will have the same rights as me although the colour of her skin is not white. I don't carry ID and i wouldn't expect her to have to either.

    Stopping people because of the colour of their skin IS blatently racist although for me the main issue is stopping people expecting them to have ID.

  11. #11
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    Oh for goodness sake. Don't turn this into a debate about whether we should have or carry IDs.

    MOST people carry some sort of 'ID' ...whether it be a credit card, bank card driving licence, medical card, library card etc etc, The average person probably has two or three of these in their purse or wallet. This is about REALITY.

    What has racism or colour got to do with it ? There are people living here from virtually every country in the world and of every shade and religion. Some are here legally and some are not.

    MOST have no problem dealing with authority and do not have chips on their shoulders.

    MOST people would have no problem having their 'ID's checked, just as they have no problem having their ticket on the train checked or showing some 'ID' in the bank.

    You do get the occasional awkward silly bugger of course, who creates a fuss and causes delays and expense, while the rest of us roll our eyes and accept that there are good reasons behind such checks.

    There is a huge difference between running a safe, law-abiding and ordered society and the 'police state' whined about by the paranoid, the law-breakers and the anarchists.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Oh for goodness sake. Don't turn this into a debate about whether we should have or carry IDs.

    MOST people carry some sort of 'ID' ...whether it be a credit card, bank card driving licence, medical card, library card etc etc, The average person probably has two or three of these in their purse or wallet. This is about REALITY.

    What has racism or colour got to do with it ? There are people living here from virtually every country in the world and of every shade and religion. Some are here legally and some are not.

    MOST have no problem dealing with authority and do not have chips on their shoulders.

    MOST people would have no problem having their 'ID's checked, just as they have no problem having their ticket on the train checked or showing some 'ID' in the bank.

    You do get the occasional awkward silly bugger of course, who creates a fuss and causes delays and expense, while the rest of us roll our eyes and accept that there are good reasons behind such checks.

    There is a huge difference between running a safe, law-abiding and ordered society and the 'police state' whined about by the paranoid, the law-breakers and the anarchists.

    Just to repeat

    The only people this riles other than the illegals themselves are lefties and immigration supporters.

  13. #13
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Chapter 31 UKBA Operations enforcement manual section 19 describes what Immigration officers are allowed or not allowed to do. It seems pretty clear to me they are not following their own rules.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Chapter 31 UKBA Operations enforcement manual section 19 describes what Immigration officers are allowed or not allowed to do. It seems pretty clear to me they are not following their own rules.
    e mail your concerns about the Kensal Green operation to and let us know what she says

  15. #15
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    It's no point us complaining about illegal immigrants and then complaining when the authorities come up with initiatives to do something about it.
    Unless you live in London you probably don't get the full picture. I would suggest that nearly 50% of all illegals in this country are probably inside the M25. I would not be at all offended if my wife was asked to provide ID by an officer carrying out random checks as we have nothing to hide.
    I'm reassured by many recent stories I've read about both Police and Border authorities initiatives to catch the illegals from the Tube Station checks to the illegal mini cab drivers in the West End and many raids on businesses particularly in South London that have resulted in many arrests.
    I find these sort of initiatives of far more benefit than driving silly vans around with silly adverts on.

  16. #16
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    31.19.8 Summary from the UKBA operations enforcement manual

    IOs have powers to question people away from their point of entry to the UK about their identity and
    leave status, on a consensual basis, following the formation of a reasonable suspicion that an
    immigration offence has been committed. In addition, just because an immigration presence on a
    crime reduction operation or street operation is lawful, it does not mean that IOs will automatically
    be able to legitimately stop and question individuals. On a crime reduction operation, the referring
    officer will need a reasonable suspicion that that person is an immigration offender. On a street
    operation, there still needs to be a reasonable suspicion that that individual may be an immigration
    offender before initially stopping, questioning (with the consent of the person stopped) and where
    appropriate, subsequently arresting.
    Only when an IO has formed a ‘reasonable suspicion’ that an individual is an immigration offender
    may he lawfully seek to stop that person on a voluntary basis with a view to asking him questions
    about identity and leave status. Where this is the basis for the stop, Singh v Hammond and an IO’s
    powers under Schedule 2 of the Immigration Act 1971 Act to examine the person about their
    identity and leave status will provide the lawful authority to do so.
    An IO has no power to stop a person who refuses to do so unless they have other information in
    their possession at that stage amounting to grounds for arrest under one of the relevant arrest
    powers at Part III or Schedule 2 of the Immigration Act 1971.
    An IO must not engage a person on the basis of their appearance, race, colour, ethnic origin or
    nationality. To do so would amount to unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.

  17. #17
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    That UKBA manual merely demonstrates to me the ridiculous state this country has got itself into through excessive politically-correct nonsense.

    Hardly surprising that the UKBA has been declared 'unfit for purpose'.

    It needs re-writing, and we as a nation need to start taking steps to regain control of our own country and borders.

    If that means upsetting a small minority of over-sensitive individuals in the interests of the vast majority, then... TOUGH !

  18. #18
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Cant see why carrying an ID card is such a problem.

    I have carried some sort of ID on a daily basis for the past 25 years and it has more advantages than disadvantages. My kids have worn ID badges to school for the last 11 years and i am quite happy that they have always had some form of identification on them.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    That UKBA manual merely demonstrates to me the the ridiculous state this country has got itself into through excessive politically-correct nonsense.

    Hardly surprising that the UKBA has been declared 'unfit for purpose'.

    It needs re-writing, and we as a nation need to start taking steps to regain control of our own country and borders.

    If that means upsetting a small minority of over-sensitive individuals in the interests of the vast majority, then... TOUGH !
    Hear Hear !

  20. #20
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I have just changed to a photo driving licence so they can stop me as often as they wish, but only want to be frisked by the pretty female officers.

  21. #21
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I'm always carrying my IDs with me (in my bag or put in in pockets). You'll never know when you would actually need them. When I was living in Singapore, everyone has IDs (like the current BRP card that UKBA requires) and it must be carried everytime, especially if you're a foreigner. So whenever I was asked for IDs, I can show them right away. I don't know what's the problem with having IDs with you, whether you're foreigner or British. When I was taking my Life in the UK test, Keith and his son were waiting at the bookies. But mind you, his son didn't have any IDs with him and was turned away at a few bookies because he can't prove he's over 18.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    When I was taking my Life in the UK test. Keith and his son were waiting at the bookies. But mind you, his son doesn't have any IDs with him and was turned away at a few bookies because he can't prove he's over 18.
    Did they get good odds on you passing ?

  23. #23
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Did they get good odds on you passing ?
    Well there was a big racing event that day (I can't remember what) and Keith won a few so the bookies might not want them there again..hahahaha..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  24. #24
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Carrying ID or not carrying ID should not be a problem. Being stopped by Police or an immigration officer where there are no reasons to suspect you are here illegally or have commited a crime is wrong. They need to explain why you have been stopped.
    Its entirely up to you if you produce ID and they have no rights to search you unless they have suspicion you are carrying something illegal.
    The rule book all makes sense to me. Perhaps some on here would have preferred it if the Nazis were in power then we would all have to show id and maybe wear a star on our clothing.

  25. #25
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    I wondered when the 'Nazi' card would be played.

    That's taking things to too low a level....and for that reason, I'm out.

  26. #26
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    It won't be a problem for me if a police/immigration officer asked me to show my ID/BRP card to check if I'm a legal resident here, whether if they just saw me walking down the street or anywhere else and wanted to ask me about being here because I don't look like British. That should be expected if you're an immigrant, especially if you aren't British citizen yet (it was like that when I lived in Singapore, I was even asked to show my work permit ID when I was buying a prepaid/pay as you go sim card from a store or going to a clinic for a check up, it wasn't a problem for me). No need to cry out the racist remark as long as they're just making sure I have a legal right to be in this country. I'm legal to be here and would never have a problem proving that. Like what Graham said, it should not cause any fuss if you're not an illegal immigrant. The "racist" word is really overused in this country, to be honest. Everything you say or do would always have a possibility of being tagged as racist.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I wondered when the 'Nazi' card would be played.

    That's taking things to too low a level....and for that reason, I'm out.
    Sticks and stones Graham - the cheap, tired, racist jibe from a deluded individual who posted this believing Roma criminals in London are professionals down on their luck

    The previous statement could only be classed as outright racism. Perhaps the writer knows these people personally? How does he know you are not looking at a group of lawyers, doctors or what? Perhaps they have fallen on hard times but just maybe they have a positive contribution to make to our society. At least they should be given a chance to prove it.

  28. #28
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I look at it this way,Whats the big deal bout being asked to produce id?
    Why is it racist?
    If any measures stop terrorism or illegals in this country then fantastsic
    Do we not want to feel safe in this country?
    I'm sure after the London bombings more Asians with beards and backpacks were stopped and searched-so what that was a reasonable thing to do at the time!
    Why would it bother anyone unless they have something to hide
    If I lived in Pakistan and a group of white Caucasians were committing terrorism do you not think I would get searched more than the 'locals'?
    I would understand that and have to accept their rules if not then maybe it's time for me to leave that country
    I would personally like to see everyone have an ID card and be traceable what's wrong with that?

  29. #29
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    Nothing wrong with that at all Les.

    We all have to be in possession of several IDs either on us or at home.

    Nothing new in that. Life would get very difficult without a birth certificate for starters...if you'll pardon the pun.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    The can`t do, wont do , mustn`t do approach must be abandoned as its now gone past crisis point in London.
    I`m all for a more pro active approach that would clear away some of the parasites walking the streets. You even get them walking through tube trains begging.

    Everyone I know supports a crackdown, the pressure on London is building up so much that I wonder if its the cause of the increase in violent crime over the last few months.
    Another murder in Leyton last night, with around 12 murders in July.

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