Is it wise to do it ourselves or shall we pay for a visa processing agency to assist us?
Is it wise to do it ourselves or shall we pay for a visa processing agency to assist us?
The answer, as always, is that it's a personal choice and as always 'it all depends'.
It depends if you can afford it and it depends if you are struggling in your life to find give it a high enough priority and it depends on your motivation.
If there are some major complications in your visa application then on balance it would be a good idea.
Most people do it themselves and very successfully too.
If you decide to take the approach of having an advisor help you then I would strongly suggest to engage an experienced Immigration Advisor from UK. Make sure that any advisor you choose is a member of the OISC (Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner)
Do be sure that whoever you take on has experience with similar application cases to yours.
There's a lot of people out there just waiting for the opportunity to take your money. Remember there are no short cuts and no guarantees for a visa, whether you have an advisor or not. Period.
You also need to understand that the advisor cannot do all the work for you. They cannot collect all the documented evidence. You still need to do that yourself.
All they can do is ask you to supply information and the stated UKBA required documentation.
The thing is this, you don't want to forget or miss anything.
You don't want to cut any corners or take any risks at all.
You MUST be 100% sure that all requirements are done and dusted, with ALL supporting documents included. Don't leave anything to chance.
In short be fully compliant.
Ultimately, you can always double check your advisor's advice here![]()
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