My son in law has called last night with a very sad newsits about his mum who`s in hospital recovering from the hernia operation it was succesful operation and he managed to visit her a night before the incident.she was alright a night before the doctor called him to tell him that his mum is in a critical condition.Instead of going out with a friend that day(sunday yesterday) doctor had called him to tell him about his mother`s condition and he went to the hospital right away instead of going out rock climbing.and when he was the doctor told him that his mum is least chances to survive and doctor ask him what would be their wishes and he couldnt answer what doctor told him because he was on the same situation long way back back before his father died and it was an upsetting event that ever happened to them watching thier died dying with falling faces and such because he was on agony and ian eldest brother has told him that he didnt want to witness the same event again because he remembers it always in his for now the doctor has told them that they`ll try to disconnect the machine that helps her breathing and take it from there.I feel so sorry for them even if I am not that close to her mum but i think she`s a wonderful woman i have met her twice and she`s ver wonderful.Last night before going to bed I just pray for her recovery
My hubby told me that she was very upset as well before the operation because her friend from scotland died and that woman who passed away means so much for her and my hubby said people like in her situation have loss the will to live and that they just give up.I dont know what to do really as for now we have to wait what will happen next