The last time I was taking Keith to the airport on his last day in Manila, a hotel security guard waved a taxi for us. When we were on the road, the taxi driver told us we need to pay Php400 (a fixed price) because of the traffic. The meter was on, mind you, and he still told us that. Keith told him to stop and drop us on the side of the road and we'll just get another taxi. The driver then told us to pay Php300 and Keith was firm to say NO. Keith told him that he would report him to the authorities if he keeps on insisting a fixed price. The driver shut up and just continued driving. When we arrived in the departure area of NAIA Terminal 1, the meter said Php150 (more or less) and we paid the exact amount. Then Keith told the driver "I could've given you an extra (which we usually did) but you don't deserve it."