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Thread: How Soon Can You Take Out The 62,500 Pounds?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    How Soon Can You Take Out The 62,500 Pounds?

    I am desperately trying to find an answer to the new financial requirements so me and my family can return to the UK. If I were to recieve a "gift" of 62,500 pounds from a family for six months prior to visa application.

    Then after we returned to the Uk, if all the 62,500 was given back to the family member would this lead to any problems at any point? In particular when you apply again after 2.5 years?

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Sorry I don't think I was clear enough in my first question. Try again.

    Assuming I was earning over 18,600 at the 2.5 year stage (and ilr stage), would the authorities have a problem (i.e. refusing further stay) with me removing the 62,500 in a lump sum after a few months of arriving in the country?

    Would they say it looked like the money was just a loan nd we were tricking them or am I free to do with it as I choose as long as we fulfill the criteria at the 2.5 year and ilr stage?

    Thanks for any reply

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Don't know is the answer, but they may flag you up for money laundering/tax avoidance, to be watched.

    Do you need such a big sum?

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Yeah unfortunately I do, I can't use the 18,600 salary way. How could I find the answer to my question? Any suggestions?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    7.2. Cash Savings
    –further guidance
    Savings must be held in cash
    in a personal bank/savings
    account in the name of the
    applicant, their partner or the couple jointly
    . The savings can be from any legal source,
    including a gift from a
    family member or other third party, provided
    the source of the cash savings is declared
    The applicant and/or their partner
    must confirm that the money, which
    cannot be borrowed
    , is under their control
    and evidence that it
    has been held in their bank
    account for at least
    the 6 months prior to the date of application

    not sure how long, but probably as soon as you have the visa, but remember you need money in the bank again 6 months before you apply for FLR, but then maybe you and your wife will be both working so you should need to rely on just cash savings.

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