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Thread: Deporting royal baby footman Badar Azim shows the lunacy of UK's border laws

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Deporting royal baby footman Badar Azim shows the lunacy of UK's border laws

    no it would show the lunacy of UK laws if he did stay, he came on a student visa, which doesn't lead to settlement, it's expired and time for him to leave, he knew that before he came to the UK.
    he's been paid £14k a year, for the palace to get him a tier2 visa they need to pay him i think £25k a year, that's not going to happen, also they are probably many Brits who would be more than willing to do the job.

    but he's right about uncontrolled EU immigrants coming to the Uk. but that's another story

    A decent young man called Badar Azim has done this country a huge favour by showing us that our immigration laws are stark raving bonkers.

  2. #2
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    About 30 years ago I was having a discussion with a senior immigration official. At the time there was a newspaper campaign to allow an illegal who had been running a village post office to be allowed to stay. The official said the public were always complaining that illegals were not being deported but there were also many campaigns being staged to allow others to stay

    He said he believe they (the immigration service) could never win. I don’t think anything has changed.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    if you are contributing to the upkeep and are not claiming from the state just like our partners have too, well then there should be no problem in my eyes,

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post

    He said he believe they (the immigration service) could never win. I don’t think anything has changed.
    you right John, I'm not against skilled workers staying here, but being a footman i don't think that's on the skill shortage list.

    I'm surprised that someone on a student visa got a job in the Palace, i would have thought he would need National security clearance maybe he has.

    but I'm surprised how quickly he left the country, and wonder if he had no right to be in the UK, imagine UKBA raiding the Palace

  5. #5
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    I suspect he left without any fuss as he hopped his action would ensure that he would be allowed to return. Making a fuss may have denied him any chance.

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