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Thread: Xmas pressies

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Jun 2004
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    Hi All,
    I'm going to the Phils for Xmas, I'm visiting 3 families over the Xmas period, just friends that I met on the 2 trips that I already made this year.

    What should I take to the home as Xmas gifts, they are 3 couples with children. Is there any "traditional" things that a visitor would normally bring ?

    I was thinking about taking Whisky or wine for the guys but not sure if that is ok or not, Chocs, perfume for the ladies ?? what about the kids ??

    What do I do if there are other families there, should I take extra items just in case or just for the people that I know.

    Any help or advice would be appreciated,


  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Oct 2005
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    Apart from a big wallet, anything you can find, special offers etc, little trinkets, earings, M&S packs of knickers, mens pants, if your going via Dubai pick up some 22crt earings for the girls in the family for £15 to £20 a pair, they love it all.

    On my first visit years ago I sat down and drunk carlsberg with whiskey chasers and got the old man paraletic, big respect after that. The men seem to like black label Johnny Walker or the Dimple whiskey, dont think they have heard of a single malt so dont waste a Glen Livit etc.

    Dont take anything that means a lot to you as they have a habit of dissapearing, dress down, so to speak, dont get agitated about anything cause you then get hot and pissed off, chill out and enjoy
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

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