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Thread: Caxton card

  1. #1
    Member Scrutiny61's Avatar
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    Caxton card

    Hi all, just waiting for a caxton pre paid credit card to arrive. Ordered yesterday, hope it arrives on time as I fly out on 13th!

    Will I be able to pay my hotel bill with this card?



  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i have caxton, dont worry it will arrive on time, when you get it follow instructions, create account online, register debit card and mobile phone no/ and top up, minimum top upŁ100
    i ordered a second card just 2 days ago,it arrived this morning,
    then call them by phone its automated to get your pin no/

    you can top up anytime by phone txt, check ballance or online,

    i found i was on pay as you go vodafone and couldnt get a connection in philippines, if your on contract you should be ok.

    do not use as security for booking in a hotel,or it will get blocked use your bank card,for that,
    you can use caxton to pay your hotel ballance afterwards,

    another thing to point out you cant see your ballance from atm machines,

    you can change the pin they give you only in a uk atm, so do it before you go,

  3. #3
    Member Scrutiny61's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice imagine. So, can I settle the hotel bill in cash? the trouble is my gf has our savings in her account but doesn't have a debit or credit card only an ATM card with no way of transferring it back to my account :-/ A friend is making the hotel reservation for us and says the bill can be settled on checkout. I will have money in my debit card account and some on the caxton account and of course cash. I'm just wondering about the procedure for hotel bills as money in my account might not cover it, but will have more than enough in cash!!!



  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    you can settle up the hotel bill with caxton card, but do not use it for the security of payment,
    this is where when you book they ask for your card details but do not take money it is to make sure they get paid if you do a runner and also it acts as identity,

    what im saying is dont use it for that, only use it when the full bill is to be paid

    there should be info about this on the caxton site, get a good look around it and read

  5. #5
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I have got myself a caxton card.

    Plan to take Pesos as well but the bulk of my money I will load onto the caxton card and use that at ATM's. I have also got a second card on it's way which I plan to leave with Harlene when I return home and then when she applies for the Visa I will top it up with the visa fee. Also hopefully when the visa is granted I will then top it up with the airfare for her to travel here as I very much doubt can afford to go back myself again this year.

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