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Thread: problem with galaxy s4

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  1. #1
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    problem with galaxy s4

    has any of you encounter problem with your galaxy s4 especially with the games? mine has been playing up. i've had my phone for 6 days now and few times it happen to me that the game freezes while i'm playing it. i have to wait for few minutes before i can use it again.

    and another thing is, just now i have to restart my phone coz i still can hear the background music of my previous game even if i'm playing different game.
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  2. #2
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    I never buy any products just as soon as they're introduced, much better to wait a year or so for the bugs to be ironed out and the price to drop. That said it sounds like your phone or its android has a fault. I'd take it back to the shop and demand a replacement, they can then fix it and flog it as nearly new for a couple of hundred quid.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I never buy any products just as soon as they're introduced, much better to wait a year or so for the bugs to be ironed out and the price to drop. That said it sounds like your phone or its android has a fault. I'd take it back to the shop and demand a replacement, they can then fix it and flog it as nearly new for a couple of hundred quid.
    i rang the shop earlier but i forgot to mention that my phone is playing up, i just told them that i want to swap it.. tbh i am disappointed with it. i decided to buy s4 coz i thought it's better than iphone based on what i've read from reviews.

    i have set my phone to automatically connect it to our wi fi and to my surprise when i checked my data usage i was shocked to find out that i'm close of going over my allowed data. i still have to find out how did it happen coz our wi fi is on all the time.
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  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    i rang the shop earlier but i forgot to mention that my phone is playing up, i just told them that i want to swap it.. tbh i am disappointed with it. i decided to buy s4 coz i thought it's better than iphone based on what i've read from reviews.
    Did you buy it outright or is it on contract? a lot of my mates at work also have some difficulties with their s4's which is on contract (coincidence? i dunno) , just send it back to the shop.
    I am glad i haven't upgraded my s3 yet to s4 (contemplating on getting the s4 active or HTC one we still have to read more reviews.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Sounds like a bug in the game possibly. My S4 has worked flawlessly.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
    Sounds like a bug in the game possibly. My S4 has worked flawlessly.
    can it be fix?
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  7. #7
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Does it happen to just that game or all the games installed in the phone? If it happens to all the games, then it can be a phone problem. If it's just one or two games, then it might be the games. I usually just uninstall a game if it freezes (not using galaxy s4 but it used to happen to some games of my tablet or past phones like Nokia). There are games that aren't fully compatible with the phones, especially when these games try to do some updates. Keith has experienced some of that when these games have released an update.

    With regards to your data usage, is it just a data usage counter (number of MB or GB you used) in the phone of the data charges (how much ££ you have been charged) from your network? From Keith's S3 phone, I can see that Mobile Data Usage is shown separate from the Wi-fi Data Usage. Data usage counter would continue to count if you don't close the web app (internet) or any app that connects to internet (email, weather app, news app, etc.) and leave it all opened after using it (whether you use wifi or 3g/4g). Data usage used via wifi should not be charged. If you don't want your email or weather app to acquire data usage, do not automatically connect and refresh it. There are also games that automatically connects to internet so I would advise you to don't allow that and don't install such games. Data usage would usually be charged if you are using 3g/4g. Killing the app after you use it would prevent data usage counter to count the whole day.

    If you are referring to the data charges from your network, then you need to check all the settings when it comes to your network connection in the phone. Make sure internet would only connect when wifi is available and not 3g/4g. Go to Settings > More Settings > Mobile Networks and untick the Mobile Data box. That way, it would only connect via wifi when it's available everytime you would use internet. Just tick that box again if you want to connect to internet via 3g/4g.
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  8. #8
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    I'm still not familiar of this phone but i'm pretty sure i have turned off now the mobile data to stop using 3g/4g. I never experienced any of these on my iphone so i'm thinking of selling it and buy an iphone5 when i've had enough of all the hassle.

    They don't have all the apps that i've got on my iphone, it keeps freezing, have to charge it twice a day coz it goes empty dead quick and i can't be bothered checking my data usage all the time.
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  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    My Samsung great so far
    Regarding data usage I got unlimited so I'm ok but if you are concerned, log onto my mobile on virgin website and see what you have actually used to be sure you don't get big bill

  10. #10
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    My Samsung great so far
    Regarding data usage I got unlimited so I'm ok but if you are concerned, log onto my mobile on virgin website and see what you have actually used to be sure you don't get big bill
    Mine is only 750mb but i'm fine with it not until i got this phone.
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  11. #11
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    My Samsung great so far
    Regarding data usage I got unlimited so I'm ok but if you are concerned, log onto my mobile on virgin website and see what you have actually used to be sure you don't get big bill
    I'm getting Samsung Galaxy contract would end on 4th August!
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  12. #12
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Well i know 3 people with the S 4 and not a problem reported

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