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Thread: Activist backlash against immigration enforcement tactics

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Activist backlash against immigration enforcement tactics

    these people are not helping the situation, just stirring up trouble, illegal immigrants should not be here, there are people on here who have gone by the rules, have had to wait until they could find a better paid job, or wait til they had 6 months of bank statements before they could bring their partner to the UK, and pay a lot of money for the privilege and also pass an English test

    so why do people support illegal immigrants, many who lied about their reason to come here, some didn't come to study but to work or came on a visit visa with no intention of going back before their visa expires. go by the rules, just as all of us on here did

    A crackdown on immigrants by the Home Office provokes a backlash from activists as one group of immigrants actively seek out and disrupt immigration checks.

    the woman in the photo looks like its from an IRA clip

    read more here ..

  2. #2
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    Typical the immigration service actually start doing something about all these illegals and then all these "do gooders" start coming out of the woodwork crying about foul play......

    Some local Labour MP was appalled by what was going on at Kensal Green underground station
    Apparently what he witnessed going on ruined his day (yawn)

    If it was left up to these types no one would ever be question or approached about their immigration status

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    It will be a test on the government to see what they do about this. I agree with what the UKBA are doing. There should be more widespread checks.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    these people are not helping the situation, just stirring up trouble, illegal immigrants should not be here, there are people on here who have gone by the rules, have had to wait until they could find a better paid job, or wait til they had 6 months of bank statements before they could bring their partner to the UK, and pay a lot of money for the privilege and also pass an English test

    so why do people support illegal immigrants, many who lied about their reason to come here, some didn't come to study but to work or came on a visit visa with no intention of going back before their visa expires. go by the rules, just as all of us on here did
    Joe - they are your fellow lefties. I'll just repeat what I said on one of your other similar threads :-

    The leftists, apologist hand wringers have got little else to do. Once again proving they support illegal immigration turning our country into a multicultural, criminal infested cess pit

    Vote Labour or join a union to support uncontrolled and illegal immigration

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