Of course the Spanish Gov are making all this noise is to distract their population from the real problems in their economy. If Gib became Spanish, there would be another 10,000 Spaniards, who now work in Gib, in the dole queues. And another group who live in Gib, would also be in the same queues. Most business in Gib is connected with the financial markets which would cease to exist if Gib became Spanish. The border town of La Linea would also loose the trade which it now gets from it’s Gib neighbour., also adding to the dole queues
Although of course the Gibraltarians would lose big time, Spain would be the real loser.
I was chatting with a couple of Spaniards this morning, and after I explained the reality they changed their opinion (formed in ignorance) that Gib should be part of Spain.