Good Day to all!
I'm new here i just registered at this helpful website, i am always reading the informative thread here and decided to registered today. I'm Claire, we lodged our application with my daughter Kate in Manila last July 4, 2013 visit visa application we had biometrics and had a few questions at the uk visa office that day. I received sms that our visa app processed already at the british embassy and 2 weeks after on July 19 i received sms said that our visa application is couriered back to us through aboitiz 2GO express mail that day i was nervous and the postman sent me a text asking the landmark at our rented bachelor's pad. I was nervous when the postman hand our documents to me i say a prayer before i open my parcel i was shaking and overyjoyed when i saw my daughter passport it has a uk visa stamp visit visa 180 days we are granted and God answered our prayers. My passport too has a visa stamp thankful to our good Lord he grant our favour.My fiance was very happy and his family too they look forward to meet us.

My question now is do we need to attend the cfo or Commission at filipino overseas seminar with my daughter as we have our visit visa stamp on our passport? thank you in advance and God bless us all! Hope to hear an answer soon.