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Thread: British food in the Philippines

  1. #1
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    British food in the Philippines

    Hi everyone, been here in the Philippines for 5 months now and I am missing food from home BIG time lol... would murder someone for an Ulster/English fry.. lol does anyone know if there is anywhere where you can buy British food products here in the Philippines.. we went to a wholesalers here called S&R which has alot of european and american products but you can't beat the food from back home lol if anyone knows of anywhere , let me know, thanks!

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert86 View Post
    Hi everyone, been here in the Philippines for 5 months now and I am missing food from home BIG time lol... would murder someone for an Ulster/English fry.. lol does anyone know if there is anywhere where you can buy British food products here in the Philippines.. we went to a wholesalers here called S&R which has alot of european and american products but you can't beat the food from back home lol if anyone knows of anywhere , let me know, thanks!
    We make our own British food products.. Bacon,ham sausages,pork pies,steak,chicken pies,bread etc.. Its not hard to do and actually tastes far better than much of the stuff you find in a British supermarket as its all done the ole fashioned way!!
    Here in Bohol we can get imported meats but they aint cheap.. Same with the international isle in the mall supermarkets.

  3. #3
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    You can't beat the meat and dairy products from back home.. i find that the quality here is nowhere anywhere near as good... and I really dont like the filipino foods.. so im on the western diet when i come here, ive been here 5 months and just cant adapt to their foods LOL..

  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Where in the Philippines are you? Plenty of british foods available in manila but as Fred said they will cost you an arm and a leg.

    Fred, wish i had your culinary skills, passion and time!

  5. #5
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    I'm in Eastwood, Quezon City.. where can I find these British foods.. and your right, wish I had the time and cooking skills like Fred

  6. #6
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    One of the best places to go is the Union Jack Tavern in Festival mall Alabang. It is a pub that serves authentic British grub. They have a shop next to the bar that sells a wide range of British food. They even have curly wurly! It is not cheap.

    The bar is owned by David from Sunderland who also owns the famous David's Salon franchise in the Philippines.

    The problem it is at least and hour from where you live and that is on a good day.

    Have you tried the international sections in SM and Robinsons? The closer you get to Makati, they seem to stock more foreign products.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Also Rustan's supermarket in Makati.

  8. #8
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    Yea my wife goes to goes to David's Salon must check out the link you provided I see many American foods here, but very seldom come across British products here..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    We make our own British food products.. Bacon,ham sausages,pork pies,steak,chicken pies,bread etc.. Its not hard to do and actually tastes far better than much of the stuff you find in a British supermarket as its all done the ole fashioned way!!
    Fred, where do you source your equine additives

    Seriously though, that's impressive DIY

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Fred, where do you source your equine additives

    Seriously though, that's impressive DIY
    Thanks..Actually its easy or I wouldn't do it..!! For ham/bacon..
    Get a nice piece of lean pork or Pork belly for bacon. (About 2 Kilo`s) I piece of Tupperware with lid.
    Put one cup of salt and one cup of sugar and one teaspoon of Prague powder in the container and quarter fill with water and stir till dissolved.. Put Pork in and top up water..Put lid on.
    Put the lot in fridge for 6/7 days.. Take out and rinse. Boil for about 20 mins. Let ham & bacon cool. Put in a plastic bag and seal.. Leave in ref till needed..
    How hard is that? (and no horse DNA guaranteed)

  11. #11
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Thanks..Actually its easy or I wouldn't do it..!! For ham/bacon..
    Get a nice piece of lean pork or Pork belly for bacon. (About 2 Kilo`s) I piece of Tupperware with lid.
    Put one cup of salt and one cup of sugar and one teaspoon of Prague powder in the container and quarter fill with water and stir till dissolved.. Put Pork in and top up water..Put lid on.
    Put the lot in fridge for 6/7 days.. Take out and rinse. Boil for about 20 mins. Let ham & bacon cool. Put in a plastic bag and seal.. Leave in ref till needed..
    How hard is that? (and no horse DNA guaranteed)
    Thanks Fred. Seems very easy.

  12. #12
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    For bread, buy a breadmaker, so easy, turns out perfect bread everytime without the quantity of sugar you find added in the Philippines (although you still need some sugar to help activate the yeast).

    For the Philippine dishes, one serious recommendation, ask your wife/mahal/friends/restaurant for Adobo, Menudo, Afritada, Caldaretta etc with only fillet meat (no fat, bones or skin), and I find its a bit more paletable and healthier. Although a true Filipino will argue that it loses its flavour... Thats the compomise we've reached in our house anyway. Occasionally my wife throws a few chicken legs in, but thats my limit.

    We lived in the Philippines for several years and now live in the middle east where pork is incredibly expensive and many of the imported British foods are overpriced, so we make a lot ourselves. Granted we can buy frozen pasty here to cheat and make quick pasties, but for the rest, even the traditional fish and chips is very easy to make well from basic ingredients.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    ....only fillet meat (no fat, bones or skin), and I find its a bit more paletable and healthier. Although a true Filipino will argue that it loses its flavour... Thats the compomise we've reached in our house anyway. Occasionally my wife throws a few chicken legs in, but thats my limit....

    About the same in our house too.

    Garlic, ginger and onion are staple ingredients in our kitchen. We both love those in almost any recipe.
    The more garlic the better in my opinion

    Do see some odd things wrapped up and hiding away in our fridge.
    Oh and when she decides it's time to satisfy her craving for dried fish, then that's my opportunity to enjoy some roast lamb. (my wife just hates the smell and the taste of Lamb )

  14. #14
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    I too just used to cook from raw ingredients.

    If you want to stock up on stuff to put in the freezer (including English type bread, pies, meats, cheeses, bacon etc), get yourself on a bus up to Angeles City, which has a large expat population.

    Victory Liner or 5 Star bus to Dau, (unless you take the Rabbit bus, in which case you can get off at Fields Ave/MacArthur junction) , then Trike to Brettos on Perimeter Road. You won't be disappointed. Trike drivers will know the place.

    They have a restaurant too, if you want to take in a tasty Western lunch before you stock up. I recommend you buy a 'coldbox'/bag first, in which to carry home your haul.


  15. #15
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    It must be difficult not being able to adapt to local foods. Of course there are many that I don't like but there are ways to make things better or more to your liking. For example, in my experience, all parts of meat products get thrown into most dishes. We in the west are not used to this, so ask your wife/partner to only make the dish with lean meat. No gristle, no bones, no skin, no offal etc etc. If she knows/understands that in 'our' culture we expect to put be able to eat and swallow 100% of what we put into our mouths' then food becomes more enjoyable to eat. My wife understands my eating habits and it has opened up a whole range of foods that I would before only pick at. She will even make one dish for me with lean meats, and one for the rest of the family, ahh... but she spoils me... but I love her to bits.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  16. #16
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    There's a place in Dumaguete that makes steak & kidney pies. A bit of a trek though from Quezon City.

  17. #17
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    Hey! Is there any restaurants or cafe that has authentic British grub in Iloilo or mainly in Iloilo city?

  18. #18
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    I'm down in Davao City and the only place I have found to buy British style foods is Swiss Deli but they are expensive. I long for salad cream but can't find it any where and where do you get frozen pastry here, I have to make my own but the flour here is terrible.

  19. #19
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    I wonder if this site is up and running now.

  20. #20
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    keith mate, do you want me to send a tube of salad cream? I don't know if it will travel well?
    can do if you problems

  21. #21
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob500 View Post
    Hey tell ya what ill have a word with sumone I know in ozz...there closer..ill see if hes in country and could send to you?..if you so wish. Can but try ..

  22. #22
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob500 View Post
    keith mate, do you want me to send a tube of salad cream? I don't know if it will travel well?
    can do if you problems
    Thanks for the offer but my son is bringing me some over next year or maybe a friend from Belgium will be abletoget some to me in a couple of months when he comes. I can order it online but the cost nearly trebles and I doubt if it would get here.

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